Fox News anchor Bret Baier asked former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) a dumb question. Of course, this is Fox News, after all, but it was one of those baiting questions that people on this right-wing deception factory are good at asking. He’d read an op-ed in the notedly conservative Wall Street Journal and it looks like he used this as a jumping-off point to spar with Cheney, who is also the former Vice Chair of the House January 6 Committee.

All of which is to say that Cheney knows her stuff.

But Baier wanted to know if she is as equally critical of President Joe Biden as she is of former President Donald Trump, Mediaite reports.

The interview began innocuously enough, although Cheney sounded the ominous warning she’s taken to repeating over the past couple of years that another Trump presidency would prove disastrous to American democracy. That’s when Baier brought up the WSJ op-ed that ridiculously accused Biden of doing the same.

“This is the wall street journal. this is not a maga,you know, op-ed here. and they say, ‘trump as a dictator is a classic case of projection.”

Frankly, if anyone believes this, then they are either as dumb as stump or gullible at the very least. Trump has already implied he’d be dictator. For a day, he claims. And as she listened to the full quote from Baier, it became clear she wasn’t buying this nonsense either.

“Well, i think they’re wrong.”

“I think if you, again, if you look at, we don’t have to guess about what next president trump would do because he did it before,” Cheney said.

A second would allow him to pursue his worst impulses, something he’d been prevented from doing the first time around.

“right. but what about the point it made in this op-ed, specifically and i understand what you’re saying about the former president, what you feel about what would happen, but you haven’t been vocal about president biden’s executive orders to cancel student loans,” baier said, which led cheney to interject they are “very different.”

The interview was rapid-fire with Baier and Cheney talking over each other, until a frustrated Cheney could be heard saying “Are you going to let me answer?”

Baier responded “Yeah, I am. Just let me list them.”

“After the scotus ruled against it, he still uses regulatory means to write off, you know, the student debt, wall off 1.5 million acres of land for fossil fuel. what this basically is saying is that there are things that have been done outside of the rule of federal courts that you haven’t weighed in on.”

This was obviously meant to bait Cheney. I think Baier wanted the yell-fest because it grabs viewers’ attention. That’s what Fox News does. It’s a very convenient way of spreading propaganda that probably leads its smooth-brained viewers to think “Ooh, did you hear that? Cheney never asks Biden the tough questions like she did with Trump. She hates Trump!”

It’s an apples vs. oranges argument but Cheney remained steadfast.

“Well, first of all, i don’t think it’s true that i haven’t weighed in on those,” she responded. “and I think a lot of those if you look at the kinds of things that he’s done with respect, for example, to energy policy, with respect to setting aside lands across the west, i’ve been very vocal that i think those policies are wrong. it’s very different from a president. and look, you wrote a book about george washington, the last chapter of your book is called, ‘the gift of a peaceful transition of power.’ that’s what we’re talking about,” Cheney reminded him.

“But this is not about me,” Baier retorted.

“That’s right. But that’s a very important concept. let me finish my answer,” cheney responded.

She reminded Baier that every president, Republican and Democrat, “since George Washington, has ensured the peaceful transition of power. Donald Trump tried to seize power.”

“So we can disagree with Biden policies, but the fact he tried to seize power, the fact that he ignored the rulings of 61 courts, the fact that he ignored his own attorney general, his own white house counsel, who told him what he was saying about the election was false. it wasn’t true.”

This is how Trump has always been. He’s going to get what he wants come hell or high water. That’s why he’s dangerous. He’ll simply stop at nothing. That was clear all the way through two impeachments, four indictments, and a whopping number of criminal charges. This is what Cheney is warning us about.

“His claims were false, and he went out and made them anyway, knowing that. the extent to which he, while a violent mob was assaulting the capitol, he wouldn’t tell them to leave. instead, he tweeted against his own vice president and he poured fuel on the flames. Those are lines that can’t be crossed. And look, this isn’t about policy. i voted with donald trump 93 percent of the time. this is about the nation. it’s about the republic. it’s about the constitution.”

Trump has already called for the Constitution to be abolished, which Cheney noted on X just a little over a year ago. He wants what he wants and cares little for the rights of people of color, poor people, or women. He almost certainly thinks if the Constitution were abolished he could do whatever the hell he wants.

That’s why we had best heed her words. I’ve included a clip of the exchange below.

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