The weeks just keeping getting stranger, if that’s possible. What’s happening in American politics goes to show you what can happen if you have a party that is hell bent on not dealing with reality and a candidate who wouldn’t know what reality is if it bit him in his ample orange butt.  Donald Trump lost bigly this week and that trend is not going to stop. The judgments might start stacking up like a jenga tower and poor Donald is trying to keep it all under control. Here are highlights all cut together. You may remember some of this, but in this order, it’s truly hilarious.

The $399 sneakers added a certain Bizarro world touch to the week, particularly when they started being auctioned off for five figures a few hours later. When you’re a cult leader they let you do it, let you charge anything, grab ’em by the wallet.

What’s that you say? What about the $4 billion profit from Truth Social? If Trump manages to convince anybody that that windfall exists anywhere in this world other than an accountant’s fever dream, that will truly eclipse all of his lies. The Truth Social money would save him if it was real. As it is, it’s a paper scenario that he can’t begin to negotiate until at least six months have passed and by October he could be well on his way to jail.

But then again, Trump may have his hands in the RNC coffers. He may have his election denying choice, Michael Whatley, at the helm, not to mention his daughter-in-law Lara. If those two get the keys to the RNC cash register, look out indeed. Trump will spend donations on his legal bills, who’s got any time for any of that down ballot nonsense?

And they love all this in Russia. Never let that observation escape your thoughts for more than a moment at a time. Vladimir Putin is making Nikita Khrushchev’s plans to take over America without firing a single shot come true every day and in every way.

What is serio/comical about Putin is that he has nothing but contempt for Tucker Carlson, whom he kept waiting two hours before filming the interview which supposedly demonstrated Putin’s grounding in Russian and European history but which merely illustrated the depth of Putin’s ability to do revisionist history. George Orwell predicted Putin when he wrote the lines, “Who control the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

Putin controls everything in Russia and right now he has expanded his world holdings to the GOP frontrunner and former POTUS. Trump is Putin’s favorite asset. But make no mistake, Putin, the richest man in the world, has many assets and he can and does dispose of them at will. The day will come before not too terribly long when Trump’s downside will exceed his usefulness. That may be election day, 2024.

Or, enough Americans may be apathetic and crazed enough to not participate in this election. Or, to vote to give democracy away and let a perfect dummy, enthralled to a Russian dictator, take charge.

We know not what the future holds, but we do know that our ability to get out the Democratic vote in crushing fashion, like never before, is what will make the difference.


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  1. I always thought Khrushchev was referring to america’s incessant greed being the thing that brings down the country. Perhaps he saw a LOT of stupidity even back then, really only needed to look at the dixie states, to extrapolate where the country was headed. And I thought his banging his shoe was silly. I was very short-sighted.

  2. Hey great news christo-fascist! I found Jesus! The report in the gospels is…when accused of being in charge of the demons, because he could command them, he reportedly said a house divided cannot stand. Oh wait…I guess thats not going to help make America great again. Sorry.


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