I love it when it just falls in your lap. I just wrote an article chronicling the life lesson that the arrest today of a 21 year old Air Force airman on espionage charges could provide for Il Douche, if he was capable of learning. But the hits just keep on rolling.

A little while ago, multiple news outlets, including MSNBC broke the news of a new bee hive of activity around another Trump outrage, but not Mar-A Lago this time. Instead, Special Counsel Jack Smith decided to drop a size 12 work boot on Trump’s head over his possible fund raising improprieties following the 2020 election.

Think back to the first insane, tumultuous days after the election was called for Biden. The first thing Traitor Tot did was to form a Stop The Steal! Legal Defense Fund and start hitting the sheeple with 20-25 texts and e-mail blasts a day, mooching for lucre. And it worked like a Wayne Newton concert at a senior citizen’s colony. If my memory serves me correctly, the Trump camp quoted some insane amount like $100 million raised in the first seven days.

But here’s the con, and with Don, there’s always a con. There was no Stop The Steal Defense Fund that was formed. Instead, if any of the suckers had bothered to read, the link led to Trump’s newly formed Leadership PAC. And this is e flat our worst kind of PAC there is. Having been created for members of congress to use to support local and state party candidates, the damn thing has more spending holes in it than a 50 lb. wheel of Swiss cheese. It’s like having your own personal slush fund.

By the time that His Lowness left office on January 20th, he was reporting a staggering $230 million in his alleged Stop The Steal fund. But the problem is that, according to mandatory FEC filings, no funds had been spent on any of the multitude of federal and state court challenges contesting the 2020 election. The orangutan Grifter scores again!

Personally, I’m not surprised by this federal attention, I’ve been waiting for it. Then again, I had an inside tip, and so did you. Back during the January 6th committee hearings, Representative Zoe Lofgren went into exquisite detail in her opening statement, showing all the receipts the committee had gathered, and closing her summation with, Not only wasn’t it The Big Steal, instead it was The Big Con.

And now reports are that Jack Smith is unleashing a flurry of activity, subpoenaing bank documents, and investigators are interviewing former and current Trump fundraising staff, trying to determine the actual intent of both the fundraising, as well as the intent.

And that word is critical. Because if the Trump fundraising operation sent out a ceaseless barrage of text and e-mail blasts mooching cash for legal funding to Stop The Steal in court, and then no funds were disbursed for those efforts, that’s not good. In fact, that’s deceptive fundraising, as well as wire fraud for using electronic means in furtherance of a fraud.

Oh. My. God. I can’t wait for this to unfold. Because as I said earlier, Leadership PAC’s were never intended to have even tens, if not hundreds of million slushing around in them. They were constructed for members of congress to raise funds to support local and state candidates at home. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has one, and he was profligate in using it to support GOP candidates in the 2022 midterms. Which is what it was set up for.

But as such, the rules are incredibly lax in terms of restrictions. For instance, the owner can use it for travel expenses, lodging and dining, clothing expenses, random expenses, and even legal fees. About the only things it doesn’t cover is hookers and cocaine. Tailor made for a grifter like Trump.

I’m going to watch for future FEV filings. Trump feels totally entitled, why wouldn’t he use that PAC as a slush fund. Why not use it for his personal travel up to New York and back for his court appearances, and to and from locations for rallies? Why not use it for your personal lawyers, after all, that’s what it’s there for? Adn why not skim off whatever else you can think of that you can use fraudulent vouchers to cover. After all, it’s free money!

Remember one thing. Neither the FBO nor the DOJ ever clapped Al Capone in irons for murder, extortion, bootlegging, loan sharking, prostitution, or anything else. They got him for Income Tax Evasion, and he finally got off of The Rock wasting away from syphilis, and died at his Florida estate a little over a year later. No matter what else, this is the kind of meat-and-potatoes case that the DOJ is famous for putting together. And the January 6th committee gave it to them on a silver platter. Come on Jack, say Thank You!

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  1. Yeah, thats great about sending AL to prison for tax evasion but the reality is, law enforcement was a just as corrupt and incompetent 100 years ago as it is today!
    Maybe that’s why there are so many f4cking guns.
    Since the judicial system appears to be a money laundry, just like the defense department is, some think they must solve legal problems without getting the bullsh!t “courts” involved. I mean, would you really want a corrupt @sshole like uncle Thomas or that f4cking meathead from Austin texass deciding your future for you?

  2. Now. Most sane folk have read and heard that Faux News lied, lies, and will continue to lie for themselves and Dolt 45. But is there proof (read somewhere, but memory is … too many stories, too many facts, and too much chaos and distortions also) that people heard the dolt said and knew, and told others?? That there were actual recordings and statements?? Thought the Georgia case had that.!?! So motive, method and intent & just some all around grift!

    • Recorded, first person telephone conversations have already been made public for both Ukraine AND Georgia State … the color, “GUILTY”, creeps into my mind, huge letters in brilliant blood red with fresh paint dripping off the billboards, “Trump goes to prison”, a headline we all want to see, but with the butt head’s luck he will probably sink to the ultimate puddle of babbling, handwaving, stuttering on the way into a mental hospital for the rest of his life …

      As shown above by our friend, Murfster35, above, Trump is not only standing on thin ice, he keeps stomping on it to make sure all evidence is delivered and choices for prosecution methods are made … Great days for buttered popcorn and party favor hats streamers and paper horns to toot … And of course, cold liquid summer day refreshments …

  3. Well I guess that leaves out old Donnie and jr hitting Vegas for a hot weekend if you can’t buy hookers and cocaine. And as for wire fraud. I surely hope Jack manages to ensnare a couple kids in that. Seems tailor made for them


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