You may recall how the initial reports obtained by American Oversight on the Arizona Audit showed profligate and wasteful spending was the order of the day, shift supervisors getting $120 an hour just to stand around and watch bins of paper being rolled by, for example. That was an eye opener. Here’s another. These two clips depict a right-wing activist and anti-vaxxer doctor Sherri Tenpenny, describing their plans to shake down corporate America and obtain funding for “Christian” groups, because if diversity is important than the Christians should get their slice. That is the basis of all this insanity from the right-wing, it’s money driven.

These people know as well as you or I do how crazy they sound and how insane their propositions are. But they’re hoping, like all storytellers, for that willingness to suspend disbelief and moreover to pay for it. Because if they can just hit the right note with enough gullible people who will take out the credit cards and finance their deranged spiel, they can live large. It comes as no surprise that the number of right-wing hucksters exploded exponentially when Trump was elected, because that’s what he was doing and they saw it work. These people worship Trump because of his ideology and I don’t mean policies and worldview. I mean the simple bottom line is hustling a buck — and a vote — from the gullible. That’s why Trump is their god. They aspire to remake themselves in his image, truly.

Right-wing insanity is defined as a few hucksters living large at the expense of all the dummies. That is the definition of what these people are about and have always been about. Andrew Breitbart figured this out a number of years ago and God knows the prosperity gospel thugs did, too.

The prosperity gospel is not about prosperity it’s about the worship of money, plain and simple. And they don’t even bother to disguise the fact that much. When I first started listening to these people, I heard a clip by a “pastor” called Jesse DuPlanis. He bragged about how he had the money to take his secretary out to lunch and buy her $6,000 worth of Gucci. Seriously, that’s what his “sermon” if you want to call it that, was about. I was speechless. There are actually people who will give this man money so he can openly mock their sacrifice, or generosity, by telling how he blew it on gifts of expensive accessories. It was beyond belief. And they worship him. He is their god. He is Mr. Money Bags and that’s what they aspire to be, not Christian saints, I assure you.

And the clips you will listen to below are of the same caliber. These two hucksters want to raise $100,000,000 in the next month and pocket $20,000,000 of it. By all means, let me get my purse.

The note that they are trying to hit here is grievance. If they can just make you feel that you are able to do something to strike back at the evil lefties who are causing all this misery, pushing that vaccine with the microchip that will take over your brain and making your children wear masks – which they are assured will scar them for life, even though the kids do it voluntarily every Halloween – and all of the panoply of woes that “they” are ruining your life with, then their job is done. Right-wing huckstering is about lying to people and taking their money.

Maybe this was obvious all along. I recall Lyndon B. Johnson saying that “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.” This is the mentality. This is the “southern schizophrenia” that Johnson understood and feared. This is exactly what the right-wing taps into every day so that they can get and stay rich.

You’re witnessing not only an unholy alliance between church and state, you’re seeing science being sold out by people holding medical licenses and sheer nonsense being pushed by people who hold legal licenses. Sherri Tenpenny knows she’s full of shit. She also knows how much money she can make doing this. Sidney Powell knows the same. She also knows how much money she’s made and she’s hoping she can keep doing it, but her time looks to be drawing to a close.

Mamman is God to these people. These are not Christians, they are Mammanists. Maybe we should just start calling them that. The debasing influence of coveting material wealth to an excessive degree is the worship of Mamman. Wealth is a wonderful thing. God knows I’ve never experienced it. I’ve thought myself rich when the wolf is ten steps away from the door rather than two or three, which is how I’ve lived most of my life. But no good can come to people who obtain wealth through trickery. That’s a form of theft. What these religionist wolves garbed in sheep’s clothing are doing may be legal but it certainly is not moral. And it’s absolutely not Christian.


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  1. Tenpenny seems to have one of those definitions of “Christian” that’s “only people who agree with me” – something like 70% of people in the US are nominally Christian. And our governments are supposed to be non-religious.

  2. The label was assigned by Imperial Rome as it was rounding up dinner for the lions with the crowd waiting to see the gladiators. Jesus would have gotten around to the pot smoking antiwar fornicators except he was too busy with hypocrisy, & greed for money & power. Maybe next time.

  3. Think way back to when we were kids and the rise of televangelists like Oral Roberts. The current crop of grifters you talk about might have gotten inspiration from Trump, but HE got his from televangelists. I expect the second wave in the 1980s and Jim Bakker in particular got Trump’s attention. However, going back to those cheesy black and white shows he put on TV Roberts will always be the one I think of most when it comes to TV preachers and grifting the flock.

  4. ‘that willingness to suspend disbelief and moreover to pay for it’, this is what christianity is all about, starting with the virgin birth story, the walking on water, all of it. How much can we get people to believe the unbelievable, then manipulate them with guilt to pay us for the pleasure? It’s always been a grift. The Catholic church ramped it up to a fever pitch, kinda got carried away with purging and witch-burning type stuff there for awhile, but it’s always been about power and money and how much they can take away from the sheeple.


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