A Florida woman, Aimee Harris (and a companion, Robert Kurlander) stole from President Biden’s daughter Ashley. Among the stolen items was a diary of Ashley’s and what did the thieves do? They got in touch with Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe of course! Their asking price for the diary was $40k (twenty thousand apiece) which O’Keefe was happy to cough up. It was the kind of sordid affair one would expect when you get Trumpkins and O’Keefe together. I won’t bore you with the whole ugly tale but instead focus on the fact Harris pled guilty to the theft in August, 2022. And she STILL hasn’t been sentenced!  Prosecutors had recommended only six months home confinement and a few years of supervised release. WTF? Well, things have changed and now prosecutors are asking for prison time, something they should have done from the start.

At this point you’re wondering both why the original sentence and why prosecutors now say Harris belongs behind bars. I can’t answer the first. Probably the prosecutors were worried about “political considerations” and wanting to avoid even the appearance of the President using the govt. to exact retribution on someone who’d wronged one of his children. Joe Biden wouldn’t do such a thing but you know Trump/MAGA would be on every RWNJ outlet screaming exactly that. You can also bet the farm that if the judge does send Harris to prison Harris will become a talking point, and yet another “hostage” Trump will pledge to pardon.

Here’s what I can say. It’s pretty clear from this article in Law & Crime why prosecutors got fed up and want the judge to lock Harris up:

According to a supplementary sentencing submission filed on April 2 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, prosecutors say Harris should serve four to 10 months in prison instead. Slated for sentencing on April 9, prosecutors say Harris has “repeatedly and consistently engaged in tactics to improperly delay” her sentencing at least 12 times.

Whether it was by providing the court with “misleading the Court with false information” to justify her unmerited requests to adjourn the sentencing date, or whether it was her failure to fully comply with court orders to provide documents to support those requests, prosecutors allege Harris has routinely flouted the administration of justice.

I recall the last time Harris’ sentencing was delayed. It seemed like a lame excuse at the time but I don’t remember the reporting having a full accounting of all the bullsh*t excuses Harris and her lawyer gave the court during the year and a half they’ve strung this out. (Trump will, once this comes to his attention love her. Hell, she might be Cabinet material for him!) I won’t detail it all but we’re talking stuff like dealing with having run a red light, being “sick” (but not coming up with medical records to back it up), problems with “child care” and even being unable to fly to DC because the feds won’t giver her her passport. (FYI she doesn’t even have a passport) Call me old fashioned but even though it’s a long trip nothing prevented her from driving to DC.  If you want a full detailing of her lame-ass excuses check out the linked article. It’s not a long read.

Knowing she was running out of excuses Harris has gone so far as to starting back in December refuse to cooperate with a court appointed attorney assigned to her.  Although ordered to appear in court back in January she didn’t show. The court, and prosecutors for that matter kept indulging her but it seems March 27 proved to be the last straw. Once again Harris failed to appear for sentencing:

Prosecutors say in the last few weeks, Harris blatantly disregarded orders to provide financial documents to probation services and her attorney said a day before the March 27 hearing that she had not been in touch with Harris to coordinate her travel despite her best efforts to reach her.

The “scandalous conduct” of stealing Ashley Biden’s diary was its own affair, and exhibited a “clear disrespect for the law,” prosecutors said. But her “troubling” conduct even after pleading guilty has only made matters worse.

So finally, finally prosecutors are doing what they should have done long ago. Getting suckered by b.s. excuses once or twice is one thing, but over and over again stretching out for a year-and-a-half? I won’t say they’re dropping the hammer on Harris but prosecutors are finally doing what would have been done to just about anyone else.  Given such a long pattern of abuse of the system and the good graces of the justice system even ten months doesn’t seem like enough. At least not to me. I know, I know. There are federal sentencing guidelines and all that.

I also know those incredibly comprehensive, detailed guidelines contain provisions to both enhance or reduce what an initial recommendation might be. I also know that a judge can, and sometimes does ignore a recommendation prosecutors submit based on the guidelines. This is one of those times where, in my own opinion the judge should deviate UP from the recommendation. I’d say a minimum of 16 months, one for each month Harris came up with bogus excuses to push her sentencing from when it should have happened. That should hold up on appeal. And let’s not forget Harris and her pal stole more than that diary. They stole other items from Ashley Biden.

Well, she’s due in court next Tuesday. April 9. If she doesn’t show the judge should issue a bench warrant and have U.S. Marshalls arrest her and bring her butt to DC. And since we the taxpayers will have to pay for all that then tack some EXTRA time onto her sentence for that as well. Mark your calendars folks because I think we’ll be hearing from Trump before next week is out. He’s going to be needing a distraction and railing about all this will provide him one. Anyway that’s my prediction and I’m sticking to it.

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  1. “even being unable to fly to DC because the feds won’t giver her her passport.”

    Say, what? Is this some new airline requirement that you have to have a passport for DOMESTIC travel? As far as I can tell, the GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES does not require American citizens to use a passport for domestic travel (Customs and Border Patrol, ICE, the USA GOV website–all say passports aren’t required; a passport is *accepted* as proof of identification for domestic travel but ANY government-issued ID, such as a driver’s license or non-driver’s identification card, is acceptable). And if the woman’s been out of the country, I would think that would be some sort of violation (typically, if you’re facing SENTENCING, you’re not allowed to leave the country and a passport–if one exists–has to be surrendered to ensure you don’t leave, at least in a legal manner; maybe a coyote would help you leave, as long as you’ve got the cash . . . ).

    Unless there’s some incredibly special circumstances, I don’t think the airlines can impose additional travel restrictions beyond what the Federal government dictates regarding ID.

    • I know the government/state ID has to be one of those special-upgraded ID’s. MT slow-walked that upgrade for as long as they could.

      • Yep. In the wake of 9/11 certain things required a more vetted form of identification. The Real ID Act allowed states to continue issuing driver’s licenses like they always had, but to use it for certain purposes (like entering a federal building using only a driver’s license) additional documentation including a certified copy of one’s birth certificate and other items from a list was required. When I moved to WV in the fall of 2003 and went to the DMV I was startled to learn that WV had become one of the first states to offer the upgraded license. Still having time to obtain it I called back to my hometown (it’s the county seat) and ordered several copies of my birth certificate. I was still well enough remembered she trusted me to send the check out that day (which I did) and the copies came in the mail a few days later. That gave me time to assemble other items I needed and so my WV license had that gold star indicating it met the requirements including being able to fly commercial using only my driver’s license. Down here in NC, some ten years after moving and over twenty since I got that WV license I have the old style one. (It’s not like I could afford to fly somewhere anyway)

        A person can still fly without a “Real ID driver’s license) but they have to as I understand it bring along some other identification to board the plane. Or they can offer their passport if they have one. (I’ve had no need for one for a long, long time)

        Still, she could take a train or drive. Or take a bus. Flying just happens to be the fastest way to get from FL to DC. Perhaps a pissed off judge will take a long look at the list the prosecutor provides of her game playing and not only decide to throw the book at her, but cites the “no passport” thing pointing out both that she didn’t have one in the first place and therefore lied to the court, and also note that even gas for the trip would have been far less than a plane ticket!

  2. As a political prisoner sentenced to prison for an unjustified reason, and being told that by the parole board, and later in life, taken to jail in family court again for unjustified reasons, I’m sick to my soul how the ‘justice’ system coddles Trump and all the criminals associated with him. Anyone who believes the system administers justice might as well join the Maga crowd for your head is up your own ass. Fact. This is just another example.

  3. Too many people in the judiciary system are scared to death of the rabid MAGA freaks. That’s why all these criminals are getting to walk free while they keep appealing their sentences. It’s time for Everyone to do the right thing or this will never end. The only way we can be rid of them is to slap them down and hold them ALL accountable, starting with their heretic leader.

  4. Stealing an item with a demonstrated woth of $40,000.00 sounds like grand theft to me. The sentencing requested by the prosecutors up to now, and even after the instrduction of som prison time, doesn’t sound like an approprate grand theft penaly to me.

    I am so tired of white people getting free passes whan people of colorhave the book thrown at them.


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