This is going, sadly, almost exactly how I expected it would. The far right majority Jesus wheezers on the Supreme Court use their dictatorial powers to overturn Roe v Wade. Then the far right GOP controlled legislatures in states went into a feeding frenzy to pass the most restrictive possible anti abortion laws possible. And then all hell broke loose.

The dam has broken loose on the GOP. Let’s start with the 10 year old rape victim in Ohio that had to go to Indiana to get an abortion. She had to go to Indiana for the abortion because of Ohio’s brand spanking new 6 week abortion ban. The doctor estimated that she was 6 weeks and 3 days pregnant making her ineligible for an abortion in Ohio.

This is in-fucking-sane! I have 4 grown daughters, and my ex wife’s OBGYN never even tried to isolate a specific conception date. Shit, he even had to estimate the delivery date. Medical science just isn’t that exact!

And now the media stories are just rolling out. The woman in Missouri with an untenable pregnancy who was sent home with instructions to come back when she filled at least 2 Depend with blood in a time frame for treatment. And a women in
Texas with an untenable pregnancy who had to be monitored until the fetal heartbeat had ceased until the medical corps took action.

The GOP is running from the abortion issue in the midterms like a scalded cat. Internal briefings to GOP incumbents and candidates are instructing them on how to deflect questions on the issue. This is the signature issue that they own, but can’t possibly defend.

There horror stories are only going to continue and accelerate as more and more GOP restricting kick into gear. Voters in blue states will vote like hell to preserve their abortion rights, and voters in the all important purple states and districts will vote to enshrine their protection too. I don’t see how this ends well for the GOP.


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  1. Yeah but the gop was in court to end healthcare while lying about protecting preexisting conditions & the dumbass voters put them back in office. I’m tired of hearing we need the government we deserve when I could easily argue we’ve got the government we deserve because half the people don’t vote & 75 million are cult members. Didn’t the German people get the government they deserved? Sure they did. We appear to be on the same track. A nation of ignorant, greedy, shallow people who worship fame & money. Oh, & a people that not only don’t serve in the military, but don’t apparently give a rat’s ass about the hundreds of thousands of soliders, sailors, & airmen who died to provide the sacred right to self determination by the democratic vote. This culture is a sick one. Ask the ghosts of the thousands of our children dead by gun violence, while the voters keep their killers in office. Sick fucking shit. God on our side? If so, that is one sick & evil God. Maybe abortion will mean something. We’ll see. Nothing has meant anything so far.

    • What you have written is perhaps the most truthful/factual statements I have ever seen on this site. It is also the most frightening. The thought that we must depend upon people who quite obviously do not give a flying f*ck about anything of any worth is the most depressing thing I’ve thought about today….the day IS early however.

      Will abortion be the final straw? I’m not so sure. I’d feel more positive if I did not hear from way too many women how the theocracy’s ruling won’t affect them because they will just, fill in the blank-do whatever. They really are not taking anything close to the longer view. Oh, and they apparently do not care about those who will for whatever reason will not be able to obtain one.

      • Your ongoing ‘blame the women’ routine is tiresome and insulting. The majority of those inflicting these cruel, barbaric laws on our bodies are MEN, self-righteous, hypocritical, old, rich, white men who have no business forcing their degraded version of Christianity on the rest of us. Your constant ragging on and belittling of women says you have no more regard for women than do the good ole boys enslaving us with their BS. Women are exploring all possible options available to them in the meantime, while they work and fight to regain our freedoms. Misogynist crap from you is not helpful.

    • Whatever happens next, those outrage reactions will do nothing to change it. Talk to me again when you are ready to be serious about fixing as opposed to keeping your old wounds as evergreen as possible.

  2. If we are lucky (and I mean that sarcastically),women are going to.start dying from incomplete miscarriages be cause the doctor doesn’t do a D&C and she dies of sepsid, or ectopic and the fallopian tube ruptures and she dies of shock, or a child too young to carry a pregnancy to term dies in childbirth or a woman with an incomplete miscarriages bleeds to death or requires,a hysterectomy because of a,septic utetud. Once thatbhapprns, there will be a deluge of lawsuits by distraught husbands and women who wanted children and now cannot have any. Sure, it is hard to sue a government ofgicial, but there will be a direct line between those laws and the deaths.
    I want Abbott, Paxton ad every last right-wing R who voted for or signed these laws bankrupt.
    About now I wish that tree that paralyzed Abbott had finished the job and that Paxton and the Justices were in the car with him.

  3. They really dont have anything else to run on do they? They and a number of centrist “democrats” all have the same problem. They are life long failures and followers, not leaders. Take that manchin loser as an example. He is a grifting failure and a follower of the kochs. No different than fat ass and his seditionists….


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