This is too funny. People were appalled yesterday when news broke of an osteopath in New Jersey crowing about Donald Trump’s superior health status, due to significant weight reduction (which cameras, amazingly, are unable to detect and record — it must have happened in another dimension) and his “exceptional cognitive exams.” Well, let’s take a look at the calendar, shall we, friends? Because comparing dates is so very instructive. Let’s have a little Recent Trump History Lesson. Meidas Touch:

Aronwald states that the last examination he conducted on Trump was on September 13th. Two days later, Trump appeared to experience several cognitive failures during a speech: he claimed President Biden was leading the country into World War 2 and became confused when suggesting he was leading Barack Obama in the polls.

According to the website USNews, Aronwald’s area of expertise is below the state average in several relevant fields, including obesity, chronic diabetes, underactive thyroid, coronary artery disease, atrial fibrillation, and more…

Trump’s cognitive state has come into question after several instances of confusion during his recent speeches.

Trump confused North Korea with China when he claimed that Kim Jong-un leads 1.4 billion people.

And you remember this travesty, right?

“If we think of something genius.” Oh, yes. That was a genius observation. I am in awe. Are you in awe? I’m sure we’re all in awe.

And of course it gets worse. Remember when he confused George and Jeb! Bush?

He’s obsessed with both Orban and Obama for reasons which nobody can fathom. But then, we are not all blessed with exceptional cognitive gifts.

Here’s another example of exceptional thinking. Trump can’t remember J.D. Vance’s name. Remember this?

Here’s the same thing, only Matt Gaetz is the forgettable figure.

This is one of my personal favorites. Trump claims that the “1917 pandemic” (hint: it was 1918. My paternal grandmother died in it, so I know) ended WWII — which didn’t start until 1939 and of course the U.S. didn’t enter it until 1941. Any grade school kid can tell you this but not the 45th president of these United States.

Another favorite.

Trump will be out on the campaign trail and we can no doubt observe his new slim and trim physique and marvel at his mesmerizing mental magnitude. We’re certain to learn something, I have no doubt. The first lesson will be how full of crap this doctor is.

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  1. M.D.= major dickhead! As usual…we’re asked to ignore our own EYES AND EARS! The biggest question doc is who the phuck do you think you’re fooling? Why bother? The cult is ready to drink cyanide to see their ‘version’ of Jesus, some sorry s.o.b. who evidently taught…kill anyone who disagrees with you, starve the poor, let children be slaughtered, fill your coffers with blood money, be the biggest brain dead hypocrite possible, and worship idols. Hey Ronald…they already believe. The rest of us know you are full of evil shit straight out of the devil, or someone’s giant ass. He who shall not be named. I’m tired of spitting on the floor doc.What else you got…besides the bottle in your hand? That liquor sure talks. I know. I grew up with a drunk. 10,000 words and no phucking point.

    • Find another abbreviation. Trump’s “doctor” is a DO if he’s an osteopathic physician (the DO stands for “Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine”); it’s considered functionally identical in status as “MD” but, legally, a DO cannot be an MD (just like a “PhD” is a “Doctor” but not a “medical” doctor).
      And, the doctor here is named “Bruce”–not “Ronald.”

      • There is absolutely nothing wrong with a D.O., the problem is the fraud that gave Trump an exemplary report of his health. They are just as well trained and are focused on treating the whole person as well as preventative medicine instead of treating the issue presented. This is the best explanation I have seen of the two:

        “Concerning DO vs. MD, apart from the differences in the name, each healthcare professional and specialty has a different way of dispensing medical care. The main difference is that a Doctor of Medicine, DO is a Doctor of osteopathic medicine while a Medical Doctor, MD practices allopathic medicine.

        The main difference between these two primary care providers is the subtle divide behind their approach to medicine. You may have been seeing the same doctor for a while, unaware that they are DOs or osteopathic medical physicians. MDs or allopathic medical physicians get their form of studies in the roots of German medical education. This form of healthcare emphasizes evaluating patients by gathering evidence surrounding their medical issues.

        Colleges of osteopathic medicine base their clinical discipline on the science of the whole body other than a collection of body parts. The principle behind the clinical practice is that an entire human being is greater than the number of their factors. It emphasizes examining and understanding the patient thoroughly before prescribing treatment. Osteopathic medicine in current institutions is a result of many changes throughout the years since its beginnings. Its distinguishing philosophy is providing holistic medical care. This means that they focus their preventative care on health rather than disease.”

  2. Your “… we are not all blessed with exceptional cognitive gifts….” in regards to how we view the “… new slim and trim physique … [the] mesmerizing mental magnitude … [and] how full of crap this [his] doctor is….”. Is spot on. It’ll make for more priceless entertainment watching the idiot apprentice, who is in cognitive and physical decline, implode on the idiot box. There’s nothing that his doctor can lie about, salve, palliate, or resurrect. The doctor, along with all other viewers, will witness a braying Trump as his whipped ass heehaws into a singing sunset.

  3. Oh Ursula! Trump is all nice and fit now. Svelte. You just have to see in him person because cameras? Well, to quote a line from the movie Tommy Boy when a couple of his frat brothers are watching him (actor Chris Farley) on TV and one who’s higher than a kite says “Does Tommy look bloated?” And his equally wasted pals says “Nah, the camera adds a couple… hundred pounds!”

  4. I can’t wait for the General Election when the MSM will be forced to show the Orange Dotard in full bluster to everyone. Now it’s just his sheeple who watch this drivel. I just can’t bring myself to even play these clips, even without sound!

  5. IF mango man had said anything genius-EVER-trust me, it’d be in newspapers across the planet. And I don’t mean he read something that may or may not have been genius (don’t recall anything like that either), I mean had he thought it up with that tiny little brain of his.

    The more alarming thing is the D.O. still has a license to practice. Anyone who writes that trump is fit and/or has lost weight does not need to be dispensing medical advice until they have gone back to school to re-learn their profession. Someone with such an obvious lack of observational skills probably shouldn’t even be crossing busy streets by themselves.

  6. apparently due to his dyslexia he has trouble reading three syllable words, like defiant and victory.
    he pulled off a rare feat in that last rev. war/airport speech.


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