There SHOULD Be A Law – To Make Them See & Experience The Carnage


(I should begin with a Trigger Warning – for those who have suffered the violent death of a loved one.   This will get graphic but I believe it needs to be said)

Consider the image I attached.   Whether preparing to start, or having finished up imagine the person under the sheet.   Imagine them as one of seemingly countless victims of gun violence.   Imagine the body under that sheet being a child!

The title picture is nothing compared to reality.   It’s time for some brutal, cold and hard reality, and more importantly confronting those in the halls of power who refuse to stand up to the gun freaks and their political money.   More to the point, it’s about challenging them to face the horror up close and personal.   The sights, smells and sounds in an autopsy room.   Having to walk through a crime scene before the blood has been cleaned up, or the bandages and other things used as first responders tried to save lives is cleaned up.   To have to meet with at least a some of the families prior to funerals, and then attend some of those funerals and have to stay there as that casket is lowered into the ground and covered.   If the family consents (some would) video every bit of it with that politician in the shot over and over again – to go on the attack against the despicable talking heads (and some conservative politicians for that matter) who claim it’s all so-called crisis actors and no one was actually murdered by some a-hole with a gun.

I had a busy day and didn’t get to read and digest this and the other blog I visit and comment on to any depth.   I mostly skimmed, but the inspiration for this is from someone who I read that suggested there should be a law forcing every politician (especially the “thoughts and prayers” conservatives who are afraid to or just flat out won’t because they don’t care) to have to return on the first available flight to the site of a mass shooting in their jurisdictions and do some of the things I listed already.   So I won’t take credit for the idea, even if I spent a good part of last night awake in bed thinking about those children on those autopsy tables, and so many other victims of so many mass shootings.

I contacted one of gutless, heartless politicians who happens to be one of my Senators today and while I doubt his staff will listen to the whole graphic (but I avoided any profanity) nature of what Tillis and others should HAVE to do I spelled it out.   And that I knew he like others was a coward who would run screaming from having to do any one of them!

I said I would be graphic here just as I was in my message to Tillis.  (You can almost never get in touch with Burr and I have a Democrat as my Representative)  So here goes.

Just so you know, I’ve seen bodies on slabs.   Broken bodies, shattered by violent death including some gunshot victims so I know something of what I speak.   I’ve seen them before they were cleaned up prior to the cutting, and even been in the room when some autopsies were in progress.   Here’s what people who offer “thoughts and prayers” should have to experience with multiple senses.

They should have to see at least the cleaned up body and take a close up look at the wounds before the first incision.

They should have to listen to the pathologist/medical examiner document what is visible.

They should have to watch, and be close enough to hear the sounds of those steel rods that are pushed into the body to establish bullets’ wound tracks – and the sound they make when they come out.

That means being close enough to things to get their fist whiff of the smells that are to come.

They should have to watch, and listen to the entire autopsy.  To see that body, in this case grade school children’s bodies cut open.

They should have to experience the smell as the chest and intestinal cavities are opened.  (This is when many people puke – it’s something that takes getting used to)

They should have to be close enough to see as the internal wounds are dissected, and the clinical discussion that often ensues comparing the much wider (usually three to four inches vs. barely larger than the bullet sized from a traditional hunting rifle or handgun) wound track caused by the cavitation of the much higher velocity assault weapon bullets.

They should have to see shattered organs cut out, held up for photos and plopped into the scale to be weighed.

If there’s a shot to the head or fragments from a bullet striking the spinal cord in the neck make it into the brain and x-rays indicated significant tissue damage witness the process of cutting the scalp, peeling down the face and cutting the skull open with a bone saw, and the removal and examination of the damaged brain.

They should have to stay and experience the sights, smells and sounds all the way to putting that child (or adult) back together, sewing them up and cleaning them.

While they might see nothing more than the disturbing view of a child in a casket at the funeral, they will not be able to forget the reality of what they saw in the autopsy room!

THAT is what these “thoughts and prayers” cowards and/or cold-hearted people should be forced to deal with.   Every   Single    Time.

They should also be forced to meet with families of victims, and if some of those relatives of victims berate them, even curse them sit there and take it!

They should have to attend funerals, and if they are taken to task during them again they should have to sit there and take it.

And there should be a phalanx of reporters at the cemetery to confront them after the dirt is packed down on the body and they are (by law) allowed to leave.   I’m talking about reporters who will hit them with real, tough questions and  especially call out their COWARDICE if they push their way through and say “no comment” if even that.

Make them experience the horror up close and personal.  Every time.   Call them out as the cowards or unfeeling/uncaring anal orifices they are if they refuse.   Hit them with things I’ve raised here every time they refuse to consider and vote for even the mildest forms of gun control for which there is overwhelming and bipartisan support.

In the meantime, as I’ve said several times in the past 24 hours each and every one of them needs to shove their heads up their sharting buttholes before daring to offer up any of their “thoughts and prayers!”

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  1. Once upon a time, I was a still photographer for the US Army at Ft Campbell, KY. One of our jobs was to photograph autopsies for the CID.

    At first you think you can handle it, the dead body looks like a mannequin. The external exam is no big deal. Once they open the body, it’s a whole different story. From the smells to the sights of internal organs you’ve only seen photos or plastic replicas of, and the sound of the bone saw when they remove the top of the skull to remove the brain. It’s not an experience anyone, other than maybe experienced pathologists who do hundreds of then, can forget.

  2. I agree completely.

    Those victims were so badly injured, they are,asking for DNA samples from.parents in order to identify them
    I remember the mother of a little boy killed at Sandy Hook,who refused to.let mortified hide her son’s,wounds,especially his tiny hand which was,almost entirel.destroyed. Yes, they need to be required to view the carnage or nothing g will change until one of their kids is murdered at his overpriced private school. Even better:if you are an elected official.who.may vote on gun regs, you should be required to send your kid to public school so.they face the same risks,as the chikdren.of constituentz.
    Every member of this,PD needs to be fired. Cowards.

  3. If families could handle it, do as Emmett Till’s mother did at his funeral, have an open casket. Let the world see what was done to their child so we witness and remember. For elected officials, I’d go a step further. Make them walk into the crime scene before anything has been moved, see first-hand what those weapons do to a fragile little body, see the blood and gore. Let’s see if they’re talking about effing doors at that point.


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