I don’t think the Facebook Oversight Board is going to be ranked up there with King Solomon anytime soon. Their decision regarding allowing Donald Trump to return to the platform or not, and deciding that the question would be revisited in six months, wasn’t actually a decision, they merely kicked the can down the road and said to Facebook execs, “you deal with it.”

The decision is being universally panned. The left says Trump should have been permanently banned or not and what is the good of this wishy washy waffling? The right is saying a lot of strange things, that Facebook is more powerful than the United Nations, that the continued ban is part of a Zionist conspiracy, you name it. To the right, Trump having to wait for six months to get back on the platform is forever, to the left, forever’s not long enough.

As expected, Donald went bonkers and you read his whacky press releases. Now the shitposter in chief has apparently ramped up his plans to run for the White House again in 2024, so there, take that Facebook. Axios:

Sources close to former President Trump believe he’s increasingly likely to run in 2024 — and that was even before the Facebook Oversight Board inflamed conservatives by upholding the ban on the former president.

Why it matters: Trump and his inner circle view Facebook reinstatement as crucial to his political comeback. The independent Oversight Board’s decision, which gives the company six months to make a final determination, enraged Trumpworld.

Driving the news: Republicans instantly threatenedregulatory vengeance. Mark Meadows, former White House chief of staff under Trump, said on Fox News that the announcement was “a sad day for America.”

  • “It’s a sad day for Facebook because I can tell you a number of members of Congress are now looking at: Do they break up Facebook? Do they make sure that they don’t have a monopoly?”
  • “I can tell you that it is two different standards — one for Donald Trump, and one for a number of other people that are on their sites and suggesting more nefarious things than what the president has been accused of, [and] actually go unnoticed, often.”

Meadows said the discussion about breaking up Big Tech will begin “within hours” on Capitol Hill: “This is a sad day for America, but a sadder day for the Facebooks of the world, who have actually enjoyed a very wild, wild West kind of regulatory environment. I can tell you that’s going to change.”

Yep, the freedom of speech people want you to know that the government is going to play Big Brother and shut down Facebook — one of these days, when they get back in power, that is. In the meantime, they’ll huff and puff and threaten to blow the House down.

A miffed Mark Meadows fails to see any irony in the fact that Trump brought this censure from the social media giants totally on himself and all they’re trying to do is play the adult in the room and keep Trump from inciting another riot.

But look for the crazy train to keep rolling, because the GOP is currying favor with Trump. Ted Cruz was down in Florida currying favor yesterday. It will take the jaws of life to remove Cruz’ lips from Trump’s ass. And it looks like that might be the case for the entire Republican party as well.

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    • Much as I hated doing so while he was in office I called him President Trump despite his having sought and accepted help from an enemy of the United States to thread the electoral college needle. That’s a helluva lot more respect than a money laundering (for mobsters including Russian ones) money piece of trailer-trash-had-he-not-been-born-rich prick like Trump ever deserved. Thankfully he’s an EX President now. Given his contempt and utter lack of respect for me and others like me I have no fucks to give over your butt-hurt fee fees about folks here not giving a festering piece of mold on a fuckwad dropped on top of a cow turd like Trump any respect.

      So, “So long, farewell, auf wiedershehen adieu”, adios, adio, sayonara etc. Or as I’d have said in my active duty jarhead days Alpha Mike Foxtrot! (Adios Mother Fucker!)

      Don’t let the doorknob hit you in the ass.

        • More often than not I referred to him in other ways (and frequently with rather “colorful” terminology!) but he squatted in our WH for four looooong years so sometimes I used his actual title. I will go to my grave ashamed that my country had so many tens of millions of people who would actually vote for someone so manifestly unqualified and unfit and downright horrified that thirty to forty million did so not by rationalizing over tax and regulation cuts but because they actually believed in the guy. If our country was still healthy in spirit it wouldn’t have even been close in 2016. With someone like Trump, it should have been the biggest blowout in our history in favor of Clinton.

          • Look no further than the UK right now if you want to know why I do not share your shame. We made a tragic, debilitating and ultimately disastrous mistake that will cost us for decades to come. But…we are in the process of fixing it and scary headlines aside, we’re making headway on living up to national ideals for the first time in 40 years.

            The UK, by contrast, has so screwed themselves over–first with Brexit, now with COVID–that Boris Johnson is on his way to being a sort of anti-Bismark, the man who broke his country. They are what WE would have become had we not gotten enough of our crap together to TCB. One thing I never forget is how much worse anything can be.

      • “I have no fucks to give over your butt-hurt fee fees about folks here not giving a festering piece of mold on a fuckwad dropped on top of a cow turd like Trump any respect.”
        Positively poetic!

    • Buh-bye.

      Our last former great President was President Obama. Trump is only a former president. A disgraced, twice-impeached, soon to be imprisoned P.O.S. All I am hoping for now is that when his a*s is where it belongs, behind bars, he no longer gets to call himself former president.

      Sorry your little white fee-fees got bruised. Sorry you’re having a sad. Not really but I thought I’d pretend to show concern-you know, like the soon to be imprisoned P.O.S. does every once in a while.

  1. It behooves me that anyone is actually listening to these people…..Republicans are trash and fake president trump led them down that path….the real conspiracy is that he never won the 2016 election, but no one went to lengths that he has to prove it…..if someone had we woukd have never had his name in the history books as president. Someone needs to take the time and recount 2016 votes and show that he never won.

  2. Like I always say, conservatives and right-wingers are all in favor of abolishing regulations until something comes along that goes against their opinions; then, they’re in favor of demanding regulations, regulations and even more regulations..

  3. The oversight board seems to have done the best they could, given the patchwork of laws governing speech on the internet.
    Former guy isn’t going to have a successful comeback because he doesn’t have anything to offer.
    Meadows is coming across, like the other RW pundits, as ignorant of the Constitution and the law.

  4. Who are these “universally pissed” people of which he speaks? I have yet to hear anyone say anything about it and I live in a mighty red state with it’s very own kookie-pants governor. I haven’t heard a peep about anyone missing the dumb-a*s.


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