For Our National Good, This Cancer Must Be Excised!


Look. I’m sorry. In the last two days, I have published two articles dealing with the ravages of the coronavirus, and the advancement of the inoculation of Americans to combat it, and my extreme frustration that the positive steps that we have taken have not been sufficiently covered in the media. And I promise, this is not another one of those articles. I swear.

I just realized tonight, in ranting at poor Teri, what the real problem is. We have just come out from four long, depressing years of Trump depression. It was like being Frodo and Samwise on that long last slog to dump the ring into the fire of Mordor. Our own President made us believe that there were no better days ahead. He pitted us against each other, and he pitted us against the other. There was no joy in Mudville, And there was no new morning for America. Everything was bleak.

Did y’all ever see the movie The Blade Runner? It takes place in a futuristic Los Angeles. And if you pay attention to the cinematography, it’s always raining. Daytime or nighttime, it was always overcast, and the rain was always falling. There was no possible joy in the future.

And that is what Donald Trump did to us. He put us into that bleak, drear, almost post apocalyptic landscape. There was no joy, there was no positive tomorrow, there was nothing but the world that Trump created for us. And like all of the other suckers that Trump screwed over in his long, felonious life, we fell for it.

But that’s not America. It never has been, and it never will be. This is the shining city on the hill that Reagan prophesied. And it is still the country that has a statue in New York harbor that loudly and proudly proclaims, Give us your tired, your poor. Your huddled mases yearning to breathe free! This America survived and thrived for 240 years before Trump, and God willing, it will survive for 240 more.

There is a new sheriff in town, and both the country and the media have to recognize that. The last four years, by design of the sitting President of the United States, have been constructed to convince us that the best years of our country are behind us. And that only a strutting, felonious popinjay can save us. But that is not this country.

We now have a kind, caring, compassionate, qualified President in the White House, and one who is focused on the good of the American people, and not his own personal gain. And that is where the national mainstream media has to step up. They must stop fixating on the negatives, which they have spent the last long four years instinctively doing, and start focusing on the positive again. Biden is doing everything in his considerable power to put us back on the right path, and they have to cover that. And help to create a national mandate for him to keep on doing it. Here endeth the lesson.

If you enjoyed this article, you might also like to check out President Evil, and the sequel, President Evil II, A Clodwork Orange . They comprise a pretty much daily report from the front of the 2016 GOP primaries, as well as the general election

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35


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  1. He has to, not only, put us on the right path, but make the guardrails strong enough and the warning signs clear enough that we don’t crash off it into the ditch again, or worse, take the wrong turning.

  2. If it bleeds, it leads. That’s the problem. No one learned the lesson of Some Good News – that we yearn for it, arguably not even John Krasinski who sold out for some shekels to Viacom. (Regardless of his explanation that SGN was not sustainable, he still profited after a bidding war thus making the fans feel used and undermining the point of the show. He should have sold and announced all profits were being donated to front line workers or food banks or something like that, IMHO.)

  3. My pop culture point of reference was the Disney version of Robin Hood, specifically the “Not In Nottingham” section. Everyone’s locked up, everyone’s broke and the rain fell heavy as a church bell rings for parishioners what never come. But I knew it’d come to an end. Just gonna take a while to adjust. The Trumpies are having a way harder time with that one.

  4. Anytime someone bitches, I ask you to play a mental game of ‘what if’. What if rump successfully stole this past election also & moscow mitch was still in charge of lawmaking? YIKES!!!

  5. At the press conference, Dr. Fauci looked at least a decade younger than when he was standing next to Trump trying to figure out how to contradict hum diplomatically.


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