Trump Pis*ing Contest w/NYT Escalates, Roger Stone Probably Reason Bushes Banned Him From Funeral


The pen is mightier than the sword and facts are mightier than the fulminations of Donald Trump, who was probably in a worse humor than normal when tweeting today after being rejected by the Bushes, who didn’t want him at Barbara’s funeral. Trump lashed out at Maggie Haberman, calling her a “third rate reporter” and accusing her of fake news and here’s the return punch.

Haberman hasn’t replied yet, but Twitter has.


Stone is completely unhinged. He lost a gig speaking in Florida at a GOP group’s Lincoln Reagan Day Dinner set for May 12. Chairman Mark Franks said that in light of Stone’s comments about Barbara Bush being an ugly drunk, he “ended our contract” with Stone, according to USA Today, who also reported that Stone spewed this:

“I understand I’m going to take a lot of crap for speaking the truth about Barbara Bush,” Stone said in an interview with InfoWars host Alex Jones. “She was a mean-spirited, vindictive drunk. She is ascending [sic] into hell right now. She’s not going to heaven. She was a bad person.”

Stone also reportedly wrote on Instagram that “Barbara Bush drank so much booze, if they cremated her … her body would burn for three days.”

Stone is purportedly an advisor to Trump, one of a handful of people he calls regularly on the phone. No wonder the Bushes didn’t want Trump at the funeral. This is beyond any political difference of opinion, this is just plain ugly and divisive. If Trump had an ounce of class he would have publicly denounced Stone and severed all contact with him, in light of this slander of Barbara Bush. Trump didn’t even address the issue and the Bushes are gracious indeed to even allow Melania to attend the family funeral.

This from Mother Jones:

On Friday, the White House said Trump would not join the event because he didn’t want his heightened security presence to cause “disruptions” to the service. Haberman tweeted that Trump would not be in attendance because the Bush family did not want him there.

Trump is persona non grata everyplace decent people congregate. When he is out of the Oval Office he will be a complete social pariah, which he has earned, and die in ignominy, is my prediction.

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