Another holiday, another nutty greeting from The Former Guy. It’s his usual dirge and nobody is quite sure who the target audience is.

I don’t believe he’s going to win over too many voters with this drivel. However, the MAGA crowd may be thrilled to hear from their Great Orange God. Who knows?

He would have been better off not saying anything at all, but you know Trump, he doesn’t have enough class to realize that.

You can tell what the man is obsessed with, easily. If you couldn’t, for any reason, then his next utterance will give you a clue.

We’ll see if he’s right and soon enough. He won’t be leading in any polls before long. And then he’ll find out the awful truth, that this isn’t about a popularity contest or a witch hunt. Trump is seriously in trouble and he’s going to be held accountable.



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  1. Always loved Dr. Suess! The Sneetches learned their lesson. We have not. Theodore was once quoted as saying adults are obsolete children and the hell with them. At the time I thought that harsh. Now I understand where he was coming from.

    • Nope. Won’t help a malignant narcissist. Psychiatrists only throw pills at problems per the medical establishment & there is no fix for personality disorders. Add in the private insurance industry and ‘managed care’ and any serious problem stands a snowballs chance in hell of getting ‘fixed’.

  2. Trump is ignorant and a malignant narcissist , and uneducated. His father tried to get rid of him by sending him off to college but he never went to any of his classes .


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