It Started out bad, thanks to Traitor Tot, and it’s only going to get worse. Ever since Trump personally outed the search of his own personal residence, it has been nothing but a cavalcade of bullshit from Trump and his enablers.

The first line of defense was that it was a Gestapo raid! Then it morphed to a defense of The FBI planted the evidence to find it! Then it was a defense of I declassified everything! And then it morphed into They’re my papers because was President, so fuck you! None of which has anything to do with the original issue.

The whole genesis of the FBI search at Mar-A-Lago was that Trump had taken official US documents, some classified, from the White House, and taken them back to Florida with him. Note that the question of classification is moot, because none of the possible crimes listed in the search warrant require any particular classification. Mere unauthorized possession is a federal crime.

Look, let’s call it what it is. Every Trump bait-and-switch, every bullshit excuse, avery desperate e-mail blast has been for one purpose and one purpose only, to fleece the sheeple. To Trump this is just another mass marketing scheme, he honestly doesn’t seem to realize how much trouble he’s in. What can I say? A dog’s gotta howl.

  • But as the bullshit keeps getting higher, just keep asking yourself one simple question. Why? Why was it so important for Trump to purloin those documents back to Mar-A-Lago with him? The classification is irrelevant, all federal documents produced by a presidential administration are the property of the National Archives.

The problem is that we don’t know, and in some cases may never know, what it was Trump took back with him. One thing we do know, from the search warrant inventory is that, some of those documents were classified documents regarding the President of France, Emmanuel Macron. Why? Trump was no longer President, what more contact would he have with Macron? Was he looking to blackmail him?

There is speculation that some of the classified documents Trump took back to Mar-A-Lago had to do with the origination of Operation Crossfire Hurricane. For those unfamiliar, that was the FBI counter intelligence operation into the Trump campaigns interaction with the Russians that beget the Mueller investigation. Was Trump trying to rewrite history by removing the evidence of his perfidy?

Never stop asking the simple question, Why? Because it makes no logical sense at all. The last President that removed official presidential material was Richard Nixon, who struck a deal with the National Archives that would allow him to remove the balance of the Watergate tapes to a secure location only he and the National Archives had access to, and to destroy them after 2 years. That outrage led directly to the Presidential Records Act that Trump just violated.

We all know that Trump is purely transactional, he does nothing without a personal angle. The thing we may never know, at least in part is what Trump felt he had to gain by removing the documents in the first place. Fortunately, none of the potential charges that the DOJ require either classification nor criminal intent, they only require illegal possession. Good luck talking you’re way out of this one, Donnie Depends, regardless of how much money you raise. Don’t touch that dial.


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  1. I read a piece on DK, that showed a video from Michael Cohen. He thinks the reason TFG took the documents was as a get out jail free card. Whenever they came to arrest him, he could say that certain persons possessed the docs and would release them unless they released him.
    It does sound like something he would come up with. What we don’t know, is who he may have shared them with. I’m pretty sure that’s what the espionage investigation is trying to find out.

  2. The scenario is just so hard to imagine. Clearly he had assistance, who selected the documents? Trump would not select them himself. Who carried the documents? trump wouldn’t carry anything heavier than a Big Mac. So there are all sorts of witnesses. Finally, who keeps paper documents in boxes any more. The presidential daily briefing is on a tablet. Most important files will be on hard drives, not paper. Unless of course trump is one of those people who asked them to print out the files like my colleagues used to print out emails to store them.

  3. Go back to square one…US secrets are worth a lot of money to our enemies. It’s gold in the vault. You know…in case 74 million mindless morons smarten up & stop filling the coffers. Plus his so called family hustle is drying up. Baby huey needs his money.

  4. The why he took them is is easy. The bulk of the docs stolen by Don the Con were removed because they had future resale value on the black market, to foreign corporations or foreign governments. Think secret scientific discovery information, military secrets, unpublished lists of valuable govt. information. The remaining docs stolen contained “dirt” on co-conspirators – linking others close to Trumplethinskin to crimes to be used by Benedict Donald to threaten to release that info. to destroy them – in order to keep them from ratting him out (testifying) on other matters that would implicate him in crimes he perpetrated.

    Why didn’t he destroy all those docs when he heard the feds were after them? Because he hid most of them in places OTHER than his Mar-A-Lago retreat, with the intent of digging them back up once the heat was off. You can bet the most important ones were not left at Mar-A-Lago and the FBI didn’t even find most of the ones he had hidden there during their execution of their search warrant. TFG may be ignorant, but when it comes to criminal activities, he learned the ropes early from Fred Jr. and the Brighton Beach, NY Russian Mobsters. Guaranteed some are buried at his Bedminster, NJ facility & others are buried at his Seven Springs Mansion in North Castle, NY. And guaranteed he had his mob connections weld a secret compartment into Ivana’s casket.

  5. Actually, I believe he first to take classified documents was Lyndon Johnson, as he was leaving office and Nixon as entering. The Intercept has a fairly detailed article dated August 11, 2022 and entitled “It’s Not Just Trump — LBJ Took Classified Documents Too”
    “Johnson wanted to stop Americans from learning about Nixon’s Vietnam treason and his own lawless surveillance.”
    At least his motivation can be considered less offensive than that of the DUMPF, bit it has happened . . . The article is well worth a read,.


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