I’m so excited! Trump got indicted! I’m getting my soul again, and I think I like it!   Sorry Pointer Sisters, I couldn’t resist

This is going to be a total horror show for the GOP. Sweet Jesus, it’s less than 24 hours since the indictments were announced, and already the GOP doesn’t know whether to shit, go blind, or wind their watches.

You already have MAGAt insaniacs like Machine Gun Marjie flapping her fat lips about mass protests! and ranting about the political witch hunt! My favorite was one Leningrad Lindsey Graham, who totally lost his shit while yelling into the cameras, He’s gonna raise a whole lot of money to stop this bullshit! He’s gonna walk out of court a free man, and it will propel him back into the White House! That’s just how this plays out! Question Lindsey. If the ending is all sunshine and roses, why are you throwing a Trumper tantrum and looking like you want to cry?

But that’s to be expected from the Trombies, and just amusing. It’s the other ones I can’t wait to see get laid low by all of this. And it’s just about time for payback as I wrote about in a story not that long ago.

As I wrote at the time, moderate Republicans with an eye on the 2024 map, from Mitch McConnell and John Cornyn to GOP chairs in competitive states, have been begging and pounding their breast for somebody, anybody to do the dirty work and get rid of Trump for them. Bragg, James, Willis, Smith, who cares? Just get him wrapped up and off of the field!

The logic is simple. As long as Traitor Tot is in the primaries, he and his shit show will suck every last molecule of oxygen from the entire GOP, just like he did in the 2016 primaries. McConnell wants to talk about things like the economy, inflation, Biden’s far left policies, and the rise of the far left. They want to make the election into a contrast election, as well as a referendum on Biden. Which they can’t do if Trump is still around mucking it up.

Which just goes to show how bone stupid some people can be when they set their minds to it. The big loser early is Florida Governor Ron Pisswantis, who is going to need a new campaign slogan. His current one is Trump without the baggage. But for the entire GOP the operative new slogan for the 2024 campaign is Trump is the baggage! Trump is already clear that he is not dropping out of the race, and far from demanding that he quit, his House MAGA base is already composing love sonnets to him, and elevating his stature to near Joan of Arc proportions.

And the media is already kicking in with a free preview weekend for the GOP of what it looks like from here on out. Absolutely nothing has changed from 24 hours ago when the indictments were announced, but every network leads every hours with the arrangements for Trump’s arraignment on Tuesday, and those aren’t official yet.

After Tuesday Trump will have various court dates scheduled for various times, and His Lowness will continue to thunder and bluster on Bullshit Social. And the House MAGAt’s will play every appearance and every utterance to the bone. Because they have elections next November too, and how they see it, a silent Trump is a useless Trump. They need him to keep their bases riled up.

This is going to be a protracted process, but I have a prediction, having been at this for so long. This whole process is going to make the 2016 GOP primaries look like a Teletubbies episode. In 2016 Trump was just dicking around, feeding his ego and his branding, he never actually thought he’d win. In 2024, not only is the presidency, his only lifeline at stake, but so is his personal freedom, as well as billions in debtor lawsuits. But in 2024 Trump won’t be whacking at his political opponents, he’ll be whacking at his legal tormentors. And nobody else on the GOP side will be able to get a word in edgewise. Don’t touch that dial.

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  1. I swear, your headline made me think of a classic episode from an old sitcom. I’m sure you remember it. (Turkeys instead of chickens but still… Btw, for those who don’t know turkeys can in fact fly, and once they get going upwards of forty mph. They roost in trees and flutter down to the ground in the morning but can take to flight. Ungainly as hell, at least at first but as i said once they get going it’s a sight to see)

    Just imagine, moderate GOPers wanting more than anything for Trump to be gone. If not actually dead then politically. Instead he’s bombing them from a circling helicopter and doesn’t give a shit about the carnage on the ground when the “chickens” go splat. He’ll keep right on doing it!

    It’s worth watching the clip to the end… “As god as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly”

    • In fairness, WILD turkeys *can* fly (not for long–usually not for much more than 1/4 mile or so) but DOMESTIC turkeys–the ones raised and bred to become the centerpiece of most Thanksgiving dinners–lose that ability after a few weeks.

      The WKRP turkey drop did NOT involve “wild turkeys.”

      • Both points you make are valid. Turkey’s bred for the dinner table have larger legs and breasts than wild turkeys. The same is true of chickens, but frankly I don’t know if even wild chickens can fly. I never actually hunted wild turkeys. A favorite squirrel hunting spot down in “the bottoms” was labeled Turkey Bayou for a reason and as dawn would break having them awkwardly flutter their way to the ground and run off was entertaining. I did have a chance several decades ago to bag a wild turkey since in VA deer and turkey seasons had concurrent periods and big game tags included turkey. I was actually headed back to my former in-law’s house down a road lined with trees on both sides, but a fairly thin screen of trees (both sides) with open fields beyond. It had been a long, cold day and no glimpse of a deer. I was less than a quarter mile from the house and long past “hunting mode” with my shotgun on safety and sort of across the back of my shoulders angled up towards the sky. All of a sudden a turkey started squawking and running AT me as it made it’s way into the air. I’d sometimes heard them while deer hunting but never saw one. I was amazed and entertained as it got in the air and flew right at me – because with trees on either side of the road it had no choice at that point.

        Then all of a sudden the light bulb went off in my head. I was an outstanding wing shot back home and had bagged plenty of waterfowl once upon a time. And since I was using my shotgun instead of a rifle I had deer buckshot (for you folks that don’t know there are sized smaller than “double aught”) and this turkey was coming right at me! I could easily have hit it and maybe even had to duck out of the way to keep it from hitting me! But again, my mind had long gone from hunting mode and then I was more simply enjoying the spectacle so when I did realize I could put a wild turkey on the table for the holidays I whipped my shotgun too quickly into my shoulder. So quickly I forgot to click off the safety! The turkey passed overhead and was quickly picking up speed as I cursed out loud and re-sighted at its backside. Alas, there was an opening where the trees thinned out enough for the turkey to make it over into the field. And almost thirty yards away. By then it was moving fast – much faster than such things appear due to its size and at that point the odds of getting a killing or even crippling shot were so small I just watched it fly now that it was doing so at full speed and surprisingly gracefully. At least for a turkey. It’s not the only hunting story I can tell where I got home empty handed but had a wonderful, unforgettable experience with wildlife!

        • Jungle fowl (of which there are four species) are the only truly wild chickens. They can fly, not for long distances but mainly to roost in trees or to get from one place to another more quickly. A lot of breeds of chickens can fly to various degrees, none of them very well. The world’s record domesticated chicken flight to date is 301.5 feet (about 100 meters) in 13 seconds.

      • Heritage breeds of domestic turkey can still fly, and happily spend nights in trees and on rooftops. The broad-breasted commercial breeds can’t get more than a foot or two up on a perch.

  2. I don’t concern myself with the fate of terrorist organizations.
    I want to see Smith lock up enough of the scum to give our government a chance to help AMERICA instead of pandering to the criminally insane republiCLOWNS…..


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