Wife Of White House Comms Chief Is A Racist and Nuttier Than A Fruitcake


Former Fox co-president Bill Shine has just begun his tenure as Deputy Chief of staff and White House communications director. When he was hired his wife Darla, a self-described “happy housewife” who did racist rants on social media, deleted her Twitter account. But not before MediaIte got the screenshots. Here is what the Fox News alums think and say to one another.

You’ve got the gist of it.

“I am proof that housewives don’t lose their brain or their dreams after they give birth,” Darla Shine wrote on the About page of her blog. “The days of the housewife hag image are over.”

“What kind of Pimp Producers are at #CNN passing around the same guest #SamNunberg like a drunk wh… 5 times #JeffZucker should be fired,” she wrote amid Sam Nunberg’s infamous cable news meltdown in March.

Terrific “class” of people in the White House these days, don’t you think?

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