Well, well, this got interesting quickly. From MSNBC reporting, a Georgia defendant has up to 30 days to file a motion to sever their case and move it to federal court. Most analysts and talking heads are thinking that Trump will wait until the last moment in order to stretch the delay as long as possible before filing. I’m sorry, but I don’t think that Trump can risk it at all. Not unless John Lauro is an even bigger imbecile than his client.

Dictator Chief of Staff wanna be Mark Meadows had his hearing in federal court on his motion to move his trial from Georgia state court to federal court in the Northern District of Georgia. I was caught by surprise. Today’s hearing was labeled as an evidentiary hearing, which to my understanding means that an issue is put before the court, both sides present their sides and their corroborating citations, and then the judge takes the matter under advisement, and later issues a written ruling.

Not this time. This time, after the two sides presented their oral arguments, Meadows was sworn in to the stand, where he spent the next five hours testifying and being cross examined. Which is a risky move for Meadows since, whether the trial is eventually held in state or federal court, every word of Meadows testimony can be used against him at trial.

And that’s Traitor Tot’s nightmare scenario. Of course he’d like to sever his case and move it to federal court, where he can claim presidential immunity, or universal immunity, or virtual immunity or some other lame horsesh*t, but how does he get there? 

Apparently the only way is the way Meadows just tried, or Meadows would have tried the alternative first. And Jack Smith’s legal junk yard dogs have got to be already having nocturnal emissions at the thought of getting a free, pre-trial crack at El Pendejo Presidente. The out takes alone would bury Trump at trial, whether he testified at trial or not.

Trump. Can’t. Do. It. And his lawyers know he can’t do it simply because he can’t. shut. up! Forget what he says on the stand, that’s almost ancillary. Because every time Trump gets caught doing something stupid, his automatic knee jerk response is to spew out great gobs of contradictory bullsh*t. And all of that is public record, and can be used against him at the hearing as well as the trial.

Let’s just take one example. The perfect phone call to Georgia secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, pressuring him to Find me 11,780 votes. In the aftermath, if there were five non sequential words in the dictionary, Traitor Tot tried stringing them together in an attempt to defend the indefensible. And it’s all out there in public, ready to lock and load.

Like this. When asked about the phone call, like a dog with a favored sock, Trump is going to trumpet out about massive amounts of voter fraud in Georgia, which he will display at trial. Poor delusional sap can’t help himself. Which will lead Smith’s legal bloodhound, on cross examination to play the snippet I wrote about yesterday with The scruffy Guru saying, Tucker, Tucker! You have to understand. I honestly believed that the election was stolen. At which time the prosecutor, with a smile normally reserved for Lucifer collecting souls, asks Trump, Mr. Trump. Taking that quote into account, at what point did you belatedly determine that the election hadn’t been stolen? And Trump is boned. Sideways. Because if he says Umm, the day before the interview, then the prosecutor asks him, doesn’t that mean that you just lied on the stand when you promised massive evidence of about voter fraud that stole the election? And if Trump instead doubles down on the voter fraud nonsense, the prosecutor can ask him why in the world Trump lied to Mother Tucker, and has two shiny new examples of Trump’s insistence on rampant voter fraud, ready to use at trial if Lauro tries to claim that Trump honestly believed it, but since had had a Come to Jesus moment.

And that was just the simplest one I could think of off the top of my head. I don’t even want to think of what kind of Machiavellian verbal legal bamboo stick pits Smith’s legal sharks are digging for him.

The box is nailed shut, right and tight. Trump can’t take the stand at trial, everybody knows that. But Trump also can’t get his trial moved to federal court, where he can play his privilege cards without taking the stand at the hearing? And what good does it do to keep The Trumpster Fire off of the stand at trial if the prosecution simply reads his entire hearing testimony into the trial record, and he isn’t even on the stand to try to explain it.

Mark Meadows can try this kind of move simply because he was smart enough to keep his mouth shut when the sh*t hit the fan, because he left plausible deniability. Trump had to be in the white hot spotlight, and now it’s going to give him third degree burns. Stand up and take a bow, FOOL!

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  1. According to legal experts, Meadows was not required to testify at the hearing, he chose to. Cheeto Jesus has apparently already forsaken the federal trial route by making a motion to Judge McAfee to sever his case from Chesebro’s motion for a speedy trial. That motion locked him into staying in state court.



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