You never get a second chance to make a first impression

So, why are President Biden’s poll numbers so low? After all, unemployment is low, average wages are up, the stock market is doing well, the GDP had it’s best one year growth in Biden’s first year than any time since Noah took up sailing. Life is returning to normal after a two year Covid war. Yet the new NBC News poll has Biden’s job approval rating at a miserable 40%.

Part of it is timing and circumstances. For instance,  in the poll, Biden is finally above water again in his handling of Covid at 51%. That’s because life is finally returning to normal after the long, dark night. But at the same time, only 3% of poll respondents show Covid as their top issue, So Biden isn’t getting the bang for his buck that he deserves for his handling the crisis, people are getting over it.

The top issue for people is gas prices and inflation. Granted, there isn’t a helluva lot a President can do about inflation, especially when the previous Dickhead in Chief left him no cards to deal from. But while Americans are still willing to pay more at the pump to aid Ukraine, they are also separating the issues. While they back the US embargo on Russian oil and natural gas, and will pay more at the pump, at least for a while, they also fail to see what an embargo on Russian oil has to do with the higher cost of eggs, milk, meat, diapers and toilet paper at the supermarket. And that they do hold Biden responsible for, right or wrong.

But earlier today on MSNBC, an analyst said something regarding Biden’s low polling numbers that just struck home with me. I’ll repeat what I said at the top. You never get a second chance to make a first impression. When Biden was sworn in in January of 2021, by my estimate he had a honeymoon cruise about twice as long as the average President. People were thrilled with a return of normalcy and competence to the government. His vaccine rollout was smooth and wildly successful. He got a Covid relief package through that got money in people’s pockets, and kept small businesses from going under during the worst of the pandemic. What wasn’t to like?

But then came July-August of 2021. In running for President, Biden campaigned that he would follow Trump’s agreement with the Taliban, and withdraw all US troops from Afghanistan, bringing our longest war to a close. And as President, he resisted rising pressure to leave troops in there, and completed the withdrawal he had promised.

But it turned out to be a Faustian nightmare. The Afghan military and government collapsed months before US military and intelligence estimates said they would. This allowed the Taliban to overrun both the country as well as the capital of Kabul in the middle of the withdrawal, making an orderly withdrawal basically impossible.

Nobody can forget the images. The entrance to the Kabul airport looking like a grunge band mosh pit as desperate Afghans tried to get out. The loss of 17 marines in a suicide bombing at an airport gate, trying to assist Afghans to enter days before the end of the withdrawal. And anybody who saw it will ever forget the images of hundreds of screaming Afghans running down the ramp of Kabul airport, grabbing onto the struts, flaps and landing gear of the military transport, seeking an out, only to fall to their deaths after the aircraft took off.

There are three words for it. A failure of leadership. After all, how could a plan that had more than 6 months to be formulated and planned fail so miserably? To independent and soft Biden voters, the debacle could easily shake their confidence in the administration’s ability to handle a crisis. And right now, there’s at least partial empirical polling evidence to support that thesis. Biden has performed flawlessly in the Ukraine crisis, yet in the NBC poll, only a minority of Americans trust Biden to navigate the Ukraine crisis successfully.

Now look, before you rip me a new one in the comments, let me make this clear. I was with Biden then, and I’m with him now! Biden was right. After Bush’s misguided invasion of Afghanistan without the will to carry it through, it was long past time to bring this to an end. But Biden was the only one of three succeeding Presidents to show the resolve to get it done. And he deserves full marks for his efforts.

As I said above, a good part of it comes down to timing and circumstances. If the Taliban hadn’t been able to negotiate with individual Afghan units, and convince them of the logic of laying down their arms rather than fighting while their overlords were running away, there could have been a very different ending to this. But it wasn’t to be. But that doesn’t mean that Biden was wrong, he wasn’t. But politically, it has wounded him.

Most talking heads are slobbering all over themselves to talk about how much more difficult this makes the 2022 electoral map. And it may or may not be true. After all, the axiom is that A week is a lifetime in politics. But there’s another axion in politics, Memories are long in politics. And even without the GOP hammering at the Afghan debacle, plenty of people have already had their opinion of Biden soured.

This theory helps to explain the fact that none of almost a half a dozen White House messing restarts have had any effect. The White House has tried restarting the imaging of everything from unemployment to Covid, inflation to gas prices to the economy, and nothing has moved the needle. Maybe because, at least in part, those things weren’t the thing that people were thinking about. Maybe their vision was clouded by the Afghan withdrawal.

But there’s a possible silver lining in this oh, so dark cloud. And here it is. According to the polling I’ve seen with my wimpy eyes, apparently also seen by MSNBC and CNN, all may not be lost in 2022. According to recent polling, many if not most Democratic incumbents in both the House and the Senate are running far ahead of Biden. This is not exactly anything new. In 2006, Bush Lite was about as popular as genital lice. As a result, rather than hitting the road to campaign with GOP candidates, Bush left Air Force 1 at Andrews, and let his candidates run their own races without his taint. While there may be some places in Pennsylvania and Ohio where Biden is a popular draw, I think we’ll see the same thing here. Don’t touch that dial.


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  1. I was watching a re-run of JAG and was struck by one episode (where Bud hit a guy in the shoe store) and the following line:

    “We really have the Taliban on the run? The minute we leave, they’ll be back”

    JAG Season 10, Episode 7, 19th November 2004

  2. Yes, prices in stores are up and noticeably so. Also, despite the administration making serious progress on unfucking the mess of transporting goods to stores the suppliers have studied oil company tactics well and have spared no effort to milk every last fucking dime out of the supply chain mess they can. With gas prices they even have an excuse to point to!

    But inflation is real and people who didn’t live through the insane inflation of the 1970s wouldn’t be interested in explanations of how this is nowhere near as bad even if journalists made a real effort to explain it. Which they don’t. Oh sure there’s a token comparison story here and there but it gets lost in the media swirl like a fart in a whirlwind just as the media folks hope will happen.

    Never, ever EVER forget that whether it’s those in the executive suites at news organizations, TV reporters and talking heads or major print people (who also make TV appearances) it’s very high income people that the public hears from/reads. People who make well over the dollar amount per year that THEY would see THEIR tax bills go up.

    And their collective attitude is “FUCK THAT SHIT!”

    Even moderate and sort of progressive ones are no better than rich conservatives that literally will allow (even help make possible) a Donald Trump in the WH rather than pay more taxes. There is no depth to how low they will go to hang on to their obscene wealth. As for the few journalists who might want to paint a fair picture that would in turn allow Biden’s numbers to improve, like a Fox News person who commits the Cardinal Sin of telling the truth about anything, journalist who usually try to present at least a balanced version of the news would get fired for presenting honest news about inflation instead of the breathless “the sky is falling and why doesn’t the administration DO something” coverage we see every fucking day!

  3. I believe these polls have lost their salience. Trump was at 38-40% for most of his presidency and still got 74 mil votes. Most of those voters didn’t agree w/most of the Mango Messiah’s policies, but they still voted for him. Regardless of Biden’s poll numbers, I believe we will increase our majority in the senate. The House is a toss-up now, but inflation cooling or J6 indictments against the real power brokers (or both), could change all that in a New York minute.

    • There is also the matter that Biden’s approval rating and the policies American’s support are contradictory. Americans support Biden’s policies but give him a low approval rating. What gives?

  4. The press are drama queens. Trump was their heroin, a story, a lie, a crime a minute. Biden is too rational, moral, & measured for them. Then, if he won’t create drama, they will. Ratings Ratings Ratings. Money. Money. Money. The seeds of our destruction.

  5. One thing that pissed me off about poll numbers concerning the debacle that was the withdrawal from Afghanistan is that NO ONE–none of those illustrious journalists, eagerly reporting how chaos was running rampant and how it was all Biden’s fault–ever asked “How would Trump have accomplished the task with any difference?”

    When people understand that Trump was the one who made the deal with the Taliban (*not* the Afghan government) to pull out American troops and set a ridiculously absurd early pullout date (which Trump had hoped would be in the early days of his second term in office) with absolutely NO input from any sane military leadership. I have absolutely no doubt that the resulting scene would’ve been as chaotic (if not resulting in far more casualties–not just among Afghani allies but also US troops). I mean–let’s face it. Biden had a few extra months and chaos wound up the order of the day during the pullout. Is there ANY rational person who would believe that Trump would’ve given any more consideration to the withdrawal process beyond looking at the calendar, realizing the pullout was scheduled the next day and ordering an immediate withdrawal no matter how unprepared our troops were or how unprepared our allies’ troops were.

  6. I thought this at the time of the withdrawal, and I still believe this to be true. If the former guy was in power, it would have been botched completely. Things would have been much worse because the only planning or preparation would have been done by underlings, to the extent they were able. DJT was notorious for just announcing things and people in position to carry them had to scramble to adjust. Think of how that would have went.

  7. I am a sociologist and I used to do those opinion surveys that people talk about. They do them under the guise of providing information that people need to know when, if fact, they are used by the people that purchase them to make money or power. They should be banned, just like other money in politics. The best thing to do is ignore them and ask who paid for them so you know who is trying to jerk you around.


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