There’s going to be holy hell to pay when Donald Trump sees this photo. You better not reblog or retweet this. I mean, we don’t want to upset the man, do we?

Trumpty has been photographed a lot lately with his MAGA hats but maybe MAGA really stands for Make America Groom Again. Ya spose?

I’m willing to bet that if you were a fly on the wall when Trump’s hairdresser is working on him in the morning, you would see beads of sweat on his or her forehead. Maybe the hairdresser fingers rosary beads and prays while working, because you know that at the rate this situation is deteriorating whomever is doing that job is likely to get whacked in the head with a ketchup bottle just any time now.

Maybe being under indictment makes your hair fall out. Or, maybe he surgically rotated his scalp. Or, maybe, like Linda Blair in the Exorcist, his head is spinning on his shoulders.

The speculation continues.

I think it’s hysterical Twitter puts that trigger warning on a close up of Trump’s combover. Dear Gawd, what’s next?

Trump’s new hairdo for his new life. Query: can you wear a toupee in a mug shot? Anybody?


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  1. I’ve always said…..never trust a man you meet with a comb-over…….he’s already trying to hide something from you.

    • I had a friend with a combover and he joked about it. He was a delightful guy. There’s a difference between men that accept their hair loss and those who go apeshit over it like Trump.

  2. I’m an old white guy with dreads to my ass and things are thinning a bit so I just pull it straight back with a hair tie…..I call it the Snoop Dog look 🙂

    • Sock, I thought all this time you were a woman, an old silver haired broad like me. It’s your sense of humor, we’re both catty as hell, so I thought you were female.

      Isn’t that funny? :))

      • Yeah, I think, if it wasn’t for Terry, Murph, who agrees with you, would have been hitting on me!!!

        (JK Murph)

        Catty???………aaahahaha!!!………I’m just an opinionated smart ass that will call out BS in a second and a reformed (ing) troll…….Meow??? 🙂

    • Trump sees himself as Robert Redford, blond, handsome, terrific head of hair. Reality is not his strong suit, I’m sure you’ve noticed.

      Since you’re down in Texas, do you hear anything from the neighbors about wanting to vote for Trump again? Or, do you avoid MAGAs?

    • He needs the shallow adoration to fill him up. That’s an absolute. He loves coming to his table to eat dinner and people standing and applauding. He lives for that.

    • He has no dignity. When people get older what radiates from them is who they are. We’re all going to lose the advantages of our young bodies as we age. The most gorgeous movie stars do, along with the rest of us.

      What people have going on as they get into their 70s, 80s, 90s is their character and their knowledge. Their experience. That’s what they can share. What does Trump have in those departments?

    • I thought the duck’s ass was slicked on the side and a pompadour on top. Trump never had enough hair (or the right texture) for any kind of a pompadour.

  3. Looking at the pic up at the top, I think he’s balding at the sides and the top, and trying really hard to pretend he isn’t, because he still thinks he’s 23 and good[ish]-looking.

    • He was pudgy faced and dorky even in his youth. But I’m not an objective observer. If I was to write Trump a note it would say, “I hate you more today than yesterday, but not as much as tomorrow.”


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