Who knows what Fox News did to deserve this onslaught from their Viewer in Chief, the only viewer that they truly care about pleasing — except tonight, they emphatically did not. Here’s what Comrade Cheeto launched into the ether net on Sunday night.

Wow! Sure a 180% turnaround from his posture on Friday, when he was leaving for his golf course in New Jersey and grinning like the Cheshire cat, about great job numbers this month. He was floating euphorically to reelection just two nights ago. But then Jeffrey Epstein wasn’t cooling his heels in the house of many doors two nights ago.

Now, going over to the Fox News website, the obvious thing that I see is Jeffrey Epstein being referred to as a monster and a Fox anchor calling for the removal of Alex Acosta. This must not be setting well with Tiny Thumbs. The rest is pretty boring stuff, Starbucks meeting with the Sheriff of Tempe and Michael Bennet talking about his presidential run — you could put an insomniac wired on meth to sleep with that drivel. So, it had to be “you helped cover up a pedophile billionaire’s sex schemes on an epic scale…will we see some accountability from Alex Acosta? He really needs to resign.” And then a female anchor chimed in, “I have zero tolerance for sex crimes.” Then another anchor gave assurances that Trump would deal with this, as he always does. “When you distract from the president’s agenda, you no longer need to be there.”

What could Trump possibly find objectionable? Fox News has made Acosta the fall guy. Somebody has to bit the dust, Donnie, and you don’t expect Fox News to suggest it be you, do you?

It will be interesting to see where this goes. Somebody better call Sean Hannity.

Here’s a bit of humor from Twitter, who is oozing with concern and sympathy for Trump, as always.


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  1. “when he was leaving for his golf course in New Jersey and grinning like the Cheshire cat”

    To the News for Dumb Fux idiots riding their golden God of white nationalism:

    There was a young lady of Niger
    Who smiled as she rode on a tiger;
    They returned from the ride
    With the lady inside,
    And the smile on the face of the tiger.


    • Then he got on Twitter a few hours later and railed about Donna Brazile. I have no clue what provoked that. But he’s in a fk Fox mood tonight, and I’ve never seen this before.

  2. Well, Ursula, why didn’t we get into such a lovely income generating job like Trump and his buddy Epstein ?

    Oh yeah, I forgot for just a moment most everyone who reads this neat and truth telling blog sight, has two things Trump does not, common sense telling us right from wrong and a strong caring attitude for the majority of our other citizens, rather than the, “I really don’t care”, from the Trump family of flaming zits …

    Man, trump with his arm around Epstein’s shoulders should be a clue that he is always after women for play and fun and this man had the plan, but gee-sh this so-quick a turnaround on main plan for state info releasing company fox, he has to be the worst and fickle demon to tie onto for Fox …. too bad assholes, you made Trump your faulty star to hang on and now another point for the Dems, because you support the one that is only there for himself, so crawl back into your snake pit and continue with your surprising truth reports, good on you for that at least, that’s the least good ever I have seen from FOX ….

    • This is a very interesting development, if Trump dumps Fox. I have to admit this is a new one on me. Didn’t see this one coming at all.

    • Ain’t it grand? I wonder if Trump will stay mad at Fox. Maybe he expected them to spin the Epstein matter in a different way — like how it’s all fake news. That’s got to be it. Making Acosta the fall guy wasn’t enough. They were supposed to make the media the fall guy. Whooopsie!

      • Could we see the beginnings of dumbass weaning his mental pygmies off of Fox, and the rebirth of “Trump TV” that mysteriously fell off of the radar right after the election.

        My guess is Fox promised to carry Trump’s water if he didn’t go ahead with the launch of Trump TV…..which would be a direct rival…..and Trump is firing warning shots across Fox’s bow because of some delusional slight.

        We may soon find out if the rats like the sounds of Trump’s flute which plays their favorite racist tunes from Fox’s 100,000 watt, satellite offered pulpits of hate 24/7, or the piper’s nonsensical ramblings on the latest pressing issue or emergency Trump created himself.

        • Trump TV fell off the radar because Trump won. Steve Bannon and Trump were going to start up Trump TV, with their central hypothesis being that Hillary rigged the election. Well, that didn’t work out. Whether Trump TV could happen at any future point, your guess is as good as mine.

          • I put Trump TV in the pipe dream category myself. He COULD have launched it after losing in 2016. But between his age, questionable health, even more questionable judgment and the number of big money conservatives he’s screwed over, it’s not happening now.

          • Hmmm. Let me just think for a moment.
            Would a new business venture involving Trump have ANY likelihood of success?


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