Just like there’s no honor among thieves, there is also no honor among Republican performance trolls masquerading as members of congress.

You are aware that Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene are on opposite sides of the Kevin McCarthy issue. That blew up earlier today and Lauren Boebert sided with Gaetz and made a catty remark about Greene.

Nothing like intraparty fighting. You’ll never find a soap opera more insipid than the current GOP rift over who should be Speaker of the incoming GOP-led House of 2023.

Boebert doesn’t know what to believe in anymore, and that’s a fact. She’s lost her favorite strawman, Nancy Pelosi and things just aren’t as cut and dried as they used to be. Boebert is flailing. Of all of the Reps who were reelected, she was reelected by the narrowest margin and she knows she’s on thin ice. What to do about it, she doesn’t know. Watching her inch along on the thin ice which is the personality cult of the far-right GOP, and try not to fall in, will be something to see.

I wouldn’t look for Boebert to support Trump anytime soon. I think what Boebert is going to do is wander through the halls of congress, trying to figure out who to follow or what to do. She’s siding right now with Matt Gaetz, but the problem there is Gaetz can afford to screw around more than Boebert can. Gaetz is from a firmly entrenched district, like Greene is. Greene won by 28 points, Boebert just barely scraped by.

Ergo, Boebert can’t afford to grandstand and blather like Gaetz and Greene — and Gosar and Biggs and a few others — can. She’s too vulnerable.

Boebert is between a rock and a hard place. She literally can’t afford to be as extremist as the Gaetz/Greene crowd, but she’s got no principles or views of her own. She’s a lost actor, in political theater of the absurd, looking for a director.

And if she’s Waiting For Gawdough, i.e., Trump, he’s not going to save her. Boebert is the last thing on his mind. He’s trying to figure out his next grift and how to stay out of prison. The digital trading cards worked once, he can’t do that again, and God knows he needs the money for legal fees.

In Trump’s eyes, Boebert can go screw and I predict that that will be the right-wing opinion in general any time now. It was not a good move for her to back stab Marge. Marge let her know that.

This is going to get amusing.

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  1. This particular little fight will surely be entertaining. All the more so in fact because they are fighting to be MAGA queen and unless I’m wrong Kari Lake has that one sewn up. So MTG and bobblehead are fighting over… 1st Runner Up?

  2. Don’t forget that Gaetz is under investigation for some disgusting business his one-rime wingman Greenberg just got 11 years for…and then only because Greenberg flipped.

    A pair of quotes that feel appropriate to Boebert’s situation:

    “The world is a stage but the play is badly cast.” –Oscar Wilde

    “No, I did not attend the funeral but I wrote a lovely note saying I approve of it.”–Mark Twain



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