This may have something to do with speculation about Trump’s October surprise being derailed yesterday, when a key prosecutor quit John Durham’s team because she feared that the investigation was being rushed due to political expediency. In all events, something put Trump in “ALERT” mode and got him to ranting on the tweet box, first thing in the morning.

More will be revealed as the day goes on — or Trump will stay in batshit incomprehensible mode. My guess is that without his October surprise, he’s going to be really pathetic. Trump can’t function at all unless he’s got an outrage to rail against, and if the source of his outrage has been removed, he’ll just have to keep ranting about how the suburbs will be overrun with hoards of POCs. That seems to be all that’s left to him. Some platform.


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    • For years, women faced a “voice” problem in politics: They were considered too “whiny” so women would tend to adopt a “deeper” voice for the political arena.

      Hillary, for better or worse, refused to change her voice to satisfy the misogynists and suffered for it, not once but twice. (In 2008, she was maligned as sounding like “every man’s first wife”; in 2016, her voice was just described as “weak.”)

      But now, after suffering all these years of the super-whine that is Trump’s speaking voice, no woman should ever fear speaking in her natural voice when seeking a major political office. I’m honestly surprised that Trump never bothered to invest in a voice coach. He’s always had that whiny, grating voice; perhaps that’s why he was so “successful” in his business deals–people would agree to whatever he was proposing just to shut him up so they didn’t have to listen to that “voice” any longer.

      • Sexist as this may sound, it’s always been my experience that the guys were the worst in the whining department when life didn’t go their way. I have no pity for them…it’s part of being an adult.

      • What we have learned from observation is that Trump never negotiates deals. He looks for something he can use as a hostage to extort acceptance of his terms. That’s his “art of the deal.”

  1. Seems like this October surprise stuff is a bust. Biden isn’t Hillary Clinton. Trump wanted Bernie, or a woman, instead, he got Biden, a well liked man, his worst nightmare. Now he is back to his lame Hillary misogny, with the added dollop of Mueller, Russia! Russia! Russia, stupidity. His base of morons might care, that’s it.

    • I think the Durham report was supposed to show all kinds of “deep state” machinations and that report is not as easy to generate as Barr thought it would be. Apparently, not everybody in government is as corrupt as Barr — yet. He’s working on it. At least, this is the best I can piece together about what Durham was supposed to produce and what Trump is raving about.

      • Matches what Greg Sargent mentioned on Twitter, Ursula. But it’s not JUST that Barr hasn’t had time to corrupt the entire DOJ (and he’s running out of time on that, let’s be real). It’s also that he’s crap as a fixer. Check the string of failures he’s made happen since he got in…Mueller was all Rosenstein which Barr got unjust credit for.

      • There’s no doubting Barr’s intent with the Durham report was to be able to file some kind of criminal charges late this month or sometime in October. Exactly when would be determined by Trump’s political needs but they were probably hoping things would be close enough in the right places to allow Trump to thread a series of political needles (states) for another EC win despite losing the popular vote. That would have meant filing charges a week to ten days before the election.

        Anyway, the problem was and apparently remains that whether against Hunter Biden, Joe Biden himself or someone very high up in the Obama administration or even at the FBI there has to be at least a semblance of a credible case. One that wouldn’t be subject to a successful motion for dismissal on the spot. I’m quite certain that folks like Comey, McCabe, Strzok etc. have their lawyers ready to petition a judge as soon as any charges might be filed against them. Rosenstein too for that matter but I won’t get into him right now.

        Mnuchin has his own worries and with the Treasury Dept. having sanctioned the GOP’s main source for anti-Biden stuff as an active Russian agent (and going back ten years) might well have his own lawyers working behind the scenes to argue “good will” on his part to mitigate any charges. In any case, he’s delivered a body blow to any attempt at some “interim report” suggesting charges will be forthcoming but “gosh darn it the whole thing is so sinisterly complicated they just can’t nail it all down yet” type of press conference. That’s especially true because longstanding DOJ policy has been NOT to make statements or file charges within 60 days of an election – at least not for anything short of murder! Barr has already said fuck that – he’ll say what he wants and when he wants so he’s already telegraphed his punch that he’s going to toss a purely political shit bomb. Now Mnuchin has taken out a huge load of the shit.

        Barr is undeterred but he’s got problems. It’s certainly looking like he’s got no criminal case(s) to file that won’t get laughed out of court, and worse be perceived as so blatantly politically motivated as to wind up helping Biden and Democrats down the ballot far more than Trump or the GOP. Not to mention putting himself in jeopardy of losing his law license and facing his own criminal charges. He’s lost credibility in the court system, even with GOP appointed judges and at least a couple of GOP appointed Justices! And finally, while the Biden campaign itself is surely preparing for what’s sure to come Barr has people he knows all too well and who’s political attack dog capabilities served his cronies so well for so long ready to pounce. The Lincoln Project, RVAT and others have proven how quickly they can knock out some pretty devastating stuff and I might be in fantasy land but I think to some degree they’ve been holding back. Because THEY know what’s coming from Barr and have all manner of stuff on the drawing boards and even some rough cuts of response ads. Trump might not realize this but Barr sure as hell does and he doesn’t have anyone he can call on to counter them. THEY are the people he would have called on!

        It’s like he set up a 747 to start its engines at a pre-determined time and just before that time spun himself around and around to the point of dizzyness and wandered right in FRONT of one of those engines just as it reached full power. He can see those turbine blades spinning, ready to grind him into tiny pieces and trying to both deliver what Trump wants and keep from getting sucked into that engine.

        We are in for some unprecedented ugliness in the weeks ahead.

        • I think it’s less that the Lincoln Project et al are holding back so much as lining up their shots. At the right place and the right time, they WILL cut loose. In that, they are the political version of snipers.

      • That and the “law enforcement” commission, which was publicly described as looking at ways to improve law enforcement, but really was aimed at everyone who isn’t a white male Xtian conservative.

  2. He is an embarrassment, but never forget he is a traitor and a monster. He is still trying to use Russian agents to win. Ruddy is in the hot seat once again. Even the Trump Treasury is sanctioning Ruddy’s Putin agent. An embarrassment as are every damn Republican on this Earth.

    • What is he talking about with any of it? I think he’s just making stuff up, because he’s frustrated that he can’t get the October surprise smear. When I find out more about this, I’ll update the piece or write another. I don’t think anybody knows at this time what Trump’s latest screed is about.

      • He’s panicking, Ursula. While he’s certainly going as senile as Trump, he’s also VERY aware of how up the creek he’s going to be in the event Trump loses. Any October surprise they ever had just got canceled by COVID-19 and Trump’s own incompetence.

    • No evidence on them, I think. (Remember that Himself uses his private phone for official business, and at least one of his adult children has used private emails for official business.)

  3. Greg Sargent over at WaPo mentioned that the WH is REALLY pushing for an “interim report” from Durham, sooner the better for that October surprise. I fully expect it to be as effective as the rest of Trump’s tactics this year: not at all. Truth is COVID-19 has preempted all his usual tricks.

    • It’s just too late. If you’re going to build an attack out of thin air — like “her emails” — you have to start way out and build and build and build and keep hammering away until people start thinking where there’s smoke there must be fire. You don’t throw some flimsy thing out in the last 7 weeks of the campaign and have any prayer of it gaining traction.

  4. Why does the media keep spelling it ‘Witch’ hunt? Trump is saying ‘Which’ hunt!
    Is it Russia, the Ukraine, my taxes, my lying, my infidelities and on and on?

    Which hunt?


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