We thought we could, we thought we could…..we did it we did it we did it.” — PolitiZoom, The Little Political Blog That Could

If you ask anybody who knows the first thing about political blogging, it is an endeavor filled with peaks and valleys. And in the world we live in, journalism in general is that way. And sometimes the valleys get really deep and turn into a slough of despond.

I write now for two reasons: One, I understand that we had some kind of a button on this site which said “Read More” and yet when it was pushed, it did not allow people to read the article? Is that what took place? I never saw this thing with my own eyes, but as soon as horrific reports of it came to my notice, I tracked down its origins and eliminated it.

If anybody here could give me details, like when it appeared, what it looked like, what it did or did not do, I would appreciate it.

The second reason I come before you is because PolitiZoom is taking a beating — as are other outlets — due to things beyond our control and I need to pass the hat. We don’t beg for money around here like many blogs do. We’re always open to a donation and certainly we love nothing more than more Patrons on Patreon, but we don’t send 50 fundraising emails a month, all screaming “my hair is on fire and the sky is falling.”

So when we come and ask for money, it’s because things are going south and we really do need help. Here’s what has affected us:

  1. There is an ad recession which is industry wide. It affects all ad revenue on all entities with a digital presence, which is us, the New York Times, you name it. This started the end of Q2 last year.
  2. Elon Musk is destroying Twitter, as I’m sure you have gathered, and that has affected our bottom line as well. We simply don’t get the traffic that we used to. We’re still paying the same for advertising, but the profit margin is less.
  3. Overhead has increased. I’ve had to hire a company to do analytics, because Google Analytics used to provide certain stats for free and they stopped. I’ve also had to lay out more money for our email services than we did in the past and finally, our hosting provider refuses to downgrade us to a lower level plan, even though the traffic drop off is there. So we’re paying for resources we’re not using and hoping for a better day.

This is a thumbnail sketch and I’m happy to provide more details to anybody who wants it.

If you are able to send a donation of any amount to PayPal, please do so at [email protected]. Funds received will be kept in the bank to pay for overhead.

The writers are still getting paid what they contracted to get paid. The only one who takes a bath when things are down, like they are now, is me, because my compensation is based not only on what I bring in, as a writer, but when we do well, what the site as a whole makes. I’m the owner, so I take the personal risk, and when things are good, it results in a personal benefit to me.

Conversely, when things are bad, I get paid whatever’s left after the overhead and the writers get theirs. If things get really bad around here, I may have to find another stream of income, transcribing tapes or some such.

We had a good year in 2022. It started out slow but picked up a lot of steam. 2023 has been a disaster so far and this month we’re making less than half of what we made in July, 2022.

My goal today is to have some overhead expenses stashed so that what we make can go to pay the writers and myself and also I need to look into hiring an SEO expert, to increase traffic, and figure out advertising strategies, again to increase traffic.

The good news is that we are still putt putting down the track after five years. We’ve expanded incredibly in that time and there have been some considerable challenges. If you were here in 2021 when we split off from our sister site, Daily Sound and Fury, you remember how we had awful technical difficulties. Poor DSF is the party that came out of the site separation the worse for wear. As much as I’m complaining about our issues now, DSF has shrunk to getting in one month the same amount of views that we get in one day. Tragic but true.

We have overcome all the obstacles we’ve faced and all we need to get by is a little help from our friends.

If you can spare anything, go on PayPal and contribute to: [email protected].

Thank you. And thank you for coming here everyday to read and socialize. We have done our part to link to candidates’ campaigns and get worthy Democrats elected and we will do much more in the future.

Since you’re here, we made it to this media chart a few months ago.

See us? We’re above Wonkette and to the right of PalmerReport. Not bad for a handful of disabled people with a platform and a passion.

Help keep the site running, consider supporting.


  1. Thanks for the info for making a donation using Paypal. Mine went in a couple of minutes ago. Maybe it’s just me, but something about Patreon put me off…..

    • Thank you for your generosity. If it was one thing, it wouldn’t be a problem and I wouldn’t be bugging people for money. But there’s a confluence of factors. And Twitter was going so well for us. I was so pleased. And it’s dropped like a rock in the past month. People are leaving in droves and for a week or so our pieces weren’t even posting because there’s something called API and Musk wasn’t paying for it. Drove me insane. And it goes without saying, I am one of many many people.

  2. are you going to thread or some other platform? I never trusted twitter after elon took over. It looks like he is taking a bath on advertising as well.

    • We will be posting our content there, yes. But as in all things, having something established and going someplace new are two different things. We’re all, collectively, going to do what we can to survive.

      Musk buying Twitter is the cyberspace equivalent of Putin invading Ukraine — the difference being we’re not committed to holding Twitter, per se, but we are all sure as hell committed to our own money making efforts continuing.

      Nobody knows how any of this is shaking down. We’re all just taking it day to day.

      And another variable to throw in the mix: Truth Social will most likely be gone in a few months and then what does Trump do? Go back to Twitter? Or, maybe he buys Twitter and Devin Nunes runs it? Nobody knows anything and speculation is rampant.

      • Please look into Post News. It’s grown a lot. It’s a nice, peaceful, friendly place without the infighting of the dead bird and very like minded people (democracy loving) go there for many reasons, political news among them. Many new blog writers are coming there every day Check it out, if you care to.

  3. Regarding the “read more” button, I thought it was a bit off but after clicking on it, it took right to the article on your website. I did not have any problems with not being able to read a story. This happened a few days last week and maybe Monday this week.

    As soon as my SS deposit is in next week, I’ll be able to send a few bucks. Well worth all the great reads and comments.

    • Thank you, Enrique. Every nickel helps, believe me.

      Re: the read more button: apparently it worked for some people and not for others. I need to get as much information on this as possible. I might get the button back IF it works for everybody.

      The purpose of the button is to maximum our ad experience and that means money. But if the button doesn’t work and some people can’t get into the stories, then obviously it’s a self defeating purpose. That’s what I’m trying to figure out now.

    • I only saw the “read more” button a few times and it brought me right to the article. And it was in the same time frame you reference.

  4. My experience of that button for your analysis! –
    When several commenters here first moaned about the Read More button days ago, it had only happened to me once but not normally. Then it was happening every time for a few days , and it was very irritating. So please don’t bring the button back! But it always let me read the full article plus comments. I’m on Chrome/Android/Nokia. I realized it had stopped when one regular gave a running count every article!
    Strangely, it wasn’t doing it the way most sites that have a similar button do it – it came at variable times (e.g. not till some way down article); you could try ‘dragging’ the article under the button to some extent; on clicking it, went right back to the start of the article; and after finishing reading it, the Back button went to the previous screen of that article again with the Read More button on it.

  5. Isn’t Pay Pal Elon Musk’s creation? At any rate, I prefer not to use it. Is there another way to contribute without using Pay Pal?

  6. Excepts from an aricle on the website tfipost.com:

    “Paypal is the successor of a company originally named Confinity that came into being in 1998. Interestingly, Confinity wasn’t founded by Elon Musk, rather it was a brainchild of Max Levchin, Peter Thiel, and Luke Nosek”…..

    “The first digital payments version of Confinity was launched in 1999. By that time, a remarkably similar platform called x.com had come into being. X.com was founded by Musk, Harris Fricker, Christopher Payne and Ed Ho. Musk served as the x.com CEO. was not a founder of Confinity which would go on to become PayPal. When Confinity was rechristened as PayPal, he wasn’t a CEO of the entity formed by merger of Confinity and x.com. Nor was Elon Musk the CEO of PayPal when it released its first IPO or when it subsequently signed a sale agreement with eBay”…..

    Musk got (or took) credit for PayPal after making a reported $180 million profit from its sale to eBay, but the truth is, as usual, something else.


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