Mike Lindell’s legal problems may have just escalated exponentially and that’s saying something when you’re talking about a man who’s been sued for $1.3 billion. Ron Watkins interrupted a data review to announce that his lawyer just phoned him and the County of Mesa, Colorado, wants its equipment back. Stat.

This is a breaking development, but what I can gather is that the data being displayed may have been obtained illegally. That is not good.






I’ll give Watkins this much, at least he woke the crowd up or his lawyer did. It’s been pretty dullsville up until now. Lindell’s star witness from yesterday, Tina Peters, may have some answering to do if she was a part of removing hard drives from the county premises.

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    • Smart people don’t accept things they THINK may be stolen.

      I mean, when a smart person sees someone selling high-end TV and stereo equipment out of the back of a van in a parking lot, said smart person passes on by (one who’s also civic-minded might call the police). Mike Lindell, on the other hand? He’s looking more and more like the kind of person who’ll look over the merchandise and want to know if all of it’s still covered by the factory warranty before just going ahead and buying a piece of the equipment for himself and some as Christmas gifts.

    • You’d be wrong based on here: (Link removed)

      Here: (Link removed)

      And here: (Link removed)

      Moderator’s Note: Due to issues that have interrupted site access we are being more cautious with links to unfamiliar sites. Three links were removed. If you type Mike Lindell net worth into your search engine two of the sites the commenter listed (wealthypersons dot com and scamrisk dot com are likely to show up and each have previews of the article listing his net worth at this time at 330 million. Other sites list something in the 300 million range although some are lower than that. The third site didn’t show up at all on the first few pages of my search so I won’t mention it here. It seems safe to say Lindell’s net worth is still estimated to be in the hundreds of millions although a lot has been spent in recent months and there might be a lag in showing any decrease. Or, since he’s pulled his ads from Fox (for now) maybe not.


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