When buying and selling are controlled by the legislature, the first things bought and sold are the legislators   PJ O’Rourke

When I wrote that title, I wasn’t referring to all of us, I was just referring to some of us. I am confident that most of my readers are sane, sober people, who pay at least passing attention to what’s going on, and when election time comes around, at least do a little due diligence, and vote for people they feel will represent them in congress. I’m talking about all of those other idiots out there.

Arizona GOP Representative Paul Gosar finally got his comeuppance today. After the calling of the resolution to the floor, followed by two hours of floor debate, had to go and stand all alone in the well of the House, while Principal Pelosi slapped his knuckles with a ruler. And then she did the worst thing a representative can do to another representative, she made him irrelevant, by stripping him of his committee assignments.

If I were Gosar, I would make a quick call to his fellow white supremacist racist buddy Steve King from Iowa. Inglorious MTG was stripped of her committee assignments, without censure, but she hasn’t gone through a reelection cycle. The last member who did was Cantaloupe Calves King from Iowa. A congressman is nothing more or less than one vote in the House, it is his or her committee assignments that allow them to bring home the bacon to the district. Without those, they are useless. King ran for reelection, and lost in a primary to a challenger who promised to bring home the bacon. I expect the same thing to happen to both MTG and Gosar. Congressmen are a dime a dozen, but cash is king.

What most captured my attention in the arguments was the truly nonsensical arguments from the GOP alleging to defend Gosar, although they never actually confronted the charges head on, nor did they defend him directly. Instead, they went off on wide ranging tangents on anything other than the actual motion in front of them.

  • House Minority Leader Kreepy Kevin McCarthy went off on a drunken sailor rant, decrying the Democrats for everything from the 2020 election fraud, to the Mueller investigation, to passing the infrastructure bill with GOP support. And all through his rant, he kept sing-songing Rules for thee, but not for me! What he immediately reminded me of was idiot defense lawyer Johnnie Cochran, who during the OJ Simpson murder trial, in referring to a cheap stunt with the bloody glove kept repeating to the jury, If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit!
  • Ohio moron Jim He groped me Coach! Jordan went into the weeds. When he repeatedly screamed You’ve got to be kidding me! as he accused the FBI of hassling parents simply showing up at school board meetings to express personal opinions, and claiming that the Biden administration was offering $450,000 for illegal immigrants to enter the country, referring to the settlements that the DOJ had offered to families involuntarily separated by his own President
  • Florida GOP Representative Matt Sugar Daddy Gaetz took to the podium to attack the Looney Toons. He yelled into the microphone, What is going on here?!? Today we’re sanctioning Paul Gosar over a cartoon! Next month we’ll be indicting Wyle E Coyote for unauthorized use of explosives against the Road Runner!

And as I listened to this endless litany of childish drivel, the one thought that kept going through my mind was What kind of a fucked up Toon Town do these idiots represent?!? really?!? Wiley E Coyote? Illegal immigrants getting $450,000 to enter the country illegally? How stupid can their constituents be that they don’t even realize the absolute contempt which their own elected representatives treat them? It doesn’t matter what they say, their sheeple will blindly go along.

This is the kind of thing that can alter the course of 2022. Forget the local politics, these kinds of hearings are broadcast nationwide, as well as getting nightly news coverage. And even if your representative isn’t a hare brained conspiracy theorist, do you really want to be represented by by someone who is in a party that throws such horse feathers around so casually? Especially when the other side is rebuilding bridges, fixing roads, and putting money in your pocket?

Maybe the title of the article may better have been They get the government they deserve. Unfortunately, it’s the rest of us that have to put up with the fallout. But the good news is that there’s a whole lot more of us than there is of them. And since The Cook Report is projecting that, even with gerrymandering, there are going to be anywhere from 65 to 75 highly competitive or competitive districts, and with the instant availability of media coverage, if enough people nationwide band together against arrogant stupidity, the day is not lost. Keep punching, and keep the faith.

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  1. Love him or hate him H.L. Mencken had some memorable quotes, one of which is:

    “Democracy is the theory that the common man knows what he wants. And deserves to get it good and hard.”

  2. They look for the R by the name and check it off. Never researching or listening to what they actually stand for. It’s an “R” so it’s got to be conservative. Add in gerrymandering and here we are. I’m afraid, very afraid for this country.

  3. this gosar fool was elected even after his family stated publicly what an idiot and unfit pol he was. I seriously doubt the electorate in his district is going to give a hoot in hell that he threatened a member of congress and the president.

    that said, is this guy on one of his dental gases 24/7? I have yet to see a pic of the moron where he did not look as he does in the pic above: like he is stoned out of his tiny mind.

    • I don’t remember the details but gosar was against any sort of grass even medical then there was some confusion as you said he was a little disheveled and confused. Then someone and it’s believed to be him put out a cartoon pic of him with a big gold chain on his neck and a big, fat joint in his mouth. Might as well. He’s down on the border where the weed is good and the beer is cold.


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