It’s almost like there are two species in America right now, homo sapiens and homo trumpiens, and the latter are stupid as hell. As a matter of fact, I fear for their survival. Only hearing is believing — and this is a mercifully short clip, if your tolerance for this is anything like mine.

“Because there’s no Covid. It’s a fake pandemic created to destroy the United States of America,” is my favorite.

Bottom line, this is what comes from somebody in Trump’s position behaving as stupidly as he does. People are literally paying with their lives.


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  1. At the moment, here in the middle of Mississippi, people are wearing their mask. Stores have signs up saying it is mandated by the Governor. Maybe it is. I quit keeping up with it. It has gone back and forth.

    My R brother that works for the VA as a chaplain has been forced tdy to the Oxford VA Home for 3 week stents. He is back in Jackson this w/e and has had to take another Covid19 test. He is home sick at the moment. Soar throat and such. I guess he is OK since he had a test Thursday. I hate to see him exposed like this, but he has poo poo’d it away as often as possible. Making statements like the VA in Jackson was all geared up for mass casualties but they never happened. He is in Oxford because so many have died that they want a Chaplain there at all times. That sounds pretty bad to me.

    A few months ago I got into it with a jerk R in the waiting room where I do my PT. I shouldn’t have but he pushed a trigger. He didn’t have a mask, which I was used to at the time. What set me off was he started talking the fake news crap. The odd thing is he looked just like De Joy, though not fat. I didn’t have any idea who De Joy was at the time. I just remember I made this guy very mad, just like De Joy gets when questioned.

    • Sorry the guy pushed your buttons, blue man. They are an angry lot! I made calls for the D party on Saturday. One guy came right out of the chute asking me why I was going to “settle” for Biden. I said he’s my choice and I sure as heck wasn’t going to “settle” for 4 more years of tRump! He was still.yackimg when I hung up. ?

    • Masks have dual purposes here on the West Coast: Covid and smoke, not that most masks can filter out the fine particles in the smoke. But our air is so very bad that wearing anything feels like it helps. Of course we have people who still aren’t wearing them, even though you can SEE the smoke, know it’s there, unlike Covid. It’s insane.

  2. He had to move his wingding this evening in Nevada because they wouldn’t let him use an aircraft hangar for it – too many people indoors. The pics show no distancing and few masks. Probably the same tomorrow at his other NV rallies. Ghu know what he’s going to do Monday in Sacramento. (They’re apparently going to park the plane at McClellan Field, a former AFB, and have the wingding in the park on the other side. Maybe he’ll fly over some of the burned areas, but I doubt it.)

  3. As they say, everything he touches dies, it’s sad that they are helping him and doing his bidding getting sick and spreading it to us that are doing our best to save them.

    • I wish I could feel more sad. But if there’s anything my late aunt checking out in the late spring taught me, it’s that people determined to perish are likely going to. And this bunch has done the world few favors by living.

  4. As Yoda would say: “So strong is the stupid with them not even the combined powers of the good and dark side of the force can it overcome!”

  5. Stupid can be loud and open in some areas, apparently ….
    that last guy said if he dies, he dies … it’s a sure thing he will die stupid, I guess … sounded loud and clear to me … look at me, I’m incredibly stupid and proud of it …

    • Paraphrasing Rocky IV…macho assholery at its most flippant. When, not if, he catches it, he’ll be singing a different tune or I know nothing of Trumpers (to paraphrase Kipling’s “Mowgli And His Brothers”).

    • He’s probably shooting himself in the foot (yet again) by exposing his more rabid supporters to the virus. He dooesn’t quite catch on to a simple fact that, if they contact it and die, they won’t be around to vote for him come November. Mark you, he’ll cclaim that he should have their votes because it was all the dems’ fault

    • Unfortunately, because I’m sure I used to be a nicer and more compassionate person, I agree with you. Look at what the Trump years have done to me that the past 58 years on this big rock couldn’t. I can honestly say I don’t like what the Trump years have done to me.

  6. So here are my thoughts on this. These folks and their opinions, thoughts, whatever, I suppose, have always been there. Trump came along and gave them a voice and a megaphone. So now what happens going forward? When Beiden wins, I dare not entertain any other thought, what happens? Are we now for the foreseeable future so divided along financial, racial, ethnic, ideological political lines that we have become dysfunctional as a nation? So dysfunctional that we will be mired in turmoil and in divisive rancor to the point of paralysis for a generation or 2? What will bring back the UNITED states? Maybe I’m being too naive and my ignorance is showing and those who are much more learned, astute can tell me of precedence where this is just another chapter, a cycle in the growth of United States.

  7. Not just stupidiy. Homo Trumpius is clearly endowed with Irony: 190,000 dead because of their “lord”, yet one can still hold up a sign “pro-LIFE voices for Trump”. Yeesh! Once again, Trumpers scream the old Einstein line: “There are only two infinite things in the Universe: The Universe, and human stupidity. And the jury is still out on the Universe.”


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