Has anybody seen Mike Lindell’s opus “Absolute Interference” which was supposed to debut today, with earthshattering consequence? Because it’s past eight o’clock Pacific, which means it’s the last hour of the day on the east coast, and I think that Lindell may have missed another deadline. Fancy that?

In all events, I wouldn’t want you to walk away empty handed, so here is a link to Rumble, where you can see the trailer to “Absolute Interference” with Star Trek-ish music behind Mike Flynn and Lindell’s physicist buddy talking about God only knows what.

Hit the link and go take a look, because Lindell has assured his Frankspeech audience that the Supreme Court will be hearing all of this information in four to six weeks, which puts it mid-May, early June, and all nine of them will vote at that time for something which will allow Donald Trump to resume squatting at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Or, maybe this time the Constitution will just be shredded for kitty litter, and Trump will reign as King for the rest of his life and then his heirs will take over. Look for Queen Ivanka and her consort, Prince Jared to be next in line for the throne. Oh, Shakespeare, where are you when we need you so desperately? I know you’re pissed because Steve Bannon wrote those dreadful scripts ripping off your work, but please, rise beyond that and return to us. Only you can describe this batshittery amply.

If anybody sees Lindell’s epic anywhere, let me know. All that I know is what I read in the advertisements, April 20 was the premiere date and the calendar is going to flip over real soon now to the 21st and no epic. Surprise, surprise.

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  1. “The private detectives in Hawaii can’t believe what they’re finding…..can’t believe it….we will be releasing that information within the next couple of weeks.”

    Dumbass Trump-2012

    Incompetent is as incompetent does.

    The players change, but the song remains the same.

    • This Lindell thing is going to get very weird mark my words. Dominion has been putting together a heavyweight legal team and his idiocy isn’t going to fly for all that much longer.

    • I actually feel sorry for Lindell. (And he prays for me, you read that, right? :)) It’s like that old song title, “What A Fool Believes, He Sees.”

  2. At a guess the private detectives on a freeby vacation in Hawai’i can’t believe what they’re finding for the simple reason they can’t find anything that’s actually believable.

    But here’s an interesting thought: under the US constitution you’re only allowed to be president twice. Now as Looney Tunes Lindell and his ilk believe that the Trompador is actually the ‘real’ president, then he can’t run in 2024 because he’s already been president twice

  3. About this:

    “because Lindell has assured his Frankspeech audience that the Supreme Court will be hearing all of this information in four to six weeks, which puts it mid-May, early June, and all nine of them will vote at that time for something which will allow Donald Trump to resume squatting at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.”

    Um, unless the Supreme Court’s calendar makes adjustments at the last minute for arguments, there won’t be any such “hearing” of any “information” after next Wednesday (the 28th). According to a pdf of the Court’s 2020 term calendar on the Supreme Court’s website (https://www.supremecourt.gov/oral_arguments/2020TermCourtCalendar.pdf), April 28th is the Court’s FINAL “argument” day. According to the Court’s website, an argument day means “Unless otherwise noted, the Court generally hears two, one-hour oral arguments, with attorneys for each side of a case given 30 minutes to make a presentation to the Court and answer questions posed by the Justices. These sessions are open to the public.” The ONLY things on the Court’s schedule for May and June are “non-argument days” and “conference days.” A non-argument day means “The session begins with the announcement of opinions – decisions in argued cases – followed by the swearing in of new members to the Bar of the Supreme Court. These sessions, which typically last 15-30 minutes, are open to the public” and a conference day means “The Justices meet in a private conference to discuss cases argued earlier that week. The Justices also discuss and vote on petitions for review.”

    So, unless I’m completely misunderstanding the entire situation, it seems pretty unlikely that Lindell’s lawyer will be able to get this before the Court. If I’m not mistaken, Lindell is a resident of Minnesota and his state isn’t among the ones whose vote count was among the contentious ones so Lindell shouldn’t have any standing to bring this case.

  4. Lindell is trying to get admission to the nearest full-care mental health home for the spaced-out bozo’s …

    When they come with the white coats and restraints, promising, “My Pillows”, as a benefit, he won’t be able to resist, his task will be complete … the whole world will know he is, as is Trump, a complete Dumb ass/Jack ass.

    Anybody that gives an awesome tribute to our Ursula, free of charge, trying to shoot her down, has missed his mark and as the strobe flashes of the news guys’ cameras following him into his new digs will see …
    A completely deflated blowhard … I envision something like that with Trump, a big balloon of him wearing his crown as the king of the united states, with a hole in it, phhiffiting all around the glorious city of New York with bands playing, “So Long, it’s been horrible knowing you”,…


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