Ted Cruz had zero evidence yesterday when he floated his trial balloon of a disgruntled liberal leaking Justice Alito’s draft opinion, and he has the same amount of evidence today. What sets Cruz apart in a class all his own is he really has no problem insulting peoples’ intelligence and substituting performative jackassery for governance. He never has had. He thinks that’s how it’s done.

Cruz is somebody who did very well academically in law school. He should be teaching law rather than holding elective office, because he’s one of those people who has zero connection with the average man or woman in the street. That’s the reason for his performative jackassery. Since he can’t communicate genuinely, he makes it a game.

In this clip Cruz is asked once again for evidence and all he offers is asinine commentary with an emotional buzz. Behold the man.

What makes this truly sad, is Cruz knows full well that if he was in a law school class and did a response like that, he would be crucified. You don’t give a law professor an emotional social argument when asked for a factual, legal one. But Cruz believes his constituents to be stupid and so he insults their, and our, intelligence routinely.

You’re aware of the basic parameters of the argument that it’s a conservative who leaked the opinion. If not, that theory states that it was feared that John Roberts or perhaps another justice would alter the language of the Alito opinion to make it more palatable and so it was leaked in order to freeze it in its current form.

That is plausible. But Cruz is not interested in plausibilities, or probabilities, he’s interested in Fox News sound bites.

This clip of his may not age well. Chief Justice John Roberts did say that the leak would be investigated and won’t it be something when/if it’s discovered that it was a conservative? Maybe someone pals with Ginni Thomas? Time will tell.


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  1. 5 conservatives, 4 liberals (counting Breyer as one), more likely a conservative. And Ginni would pass it along to her “friends” if she got hold of it. Also possibly some of the clerks are maybe a little less conservative than the judges they work with, or have enough sense to see how bad that decision will be for the country.


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