Maybe this is where a Ph.D. in QAnonism comes in handy. There must be hidden messages in this footage somewhere, subliminal and straight to the subconscious perhaps, because on its face it doesn’t make a whole lotta sense.

Watch this 1:01 opus from Sidney Powell’s Defend the Republic and see what you make of it. So far it looks like she’s recorded her client doing multiple felonies, but somehow the fact that he’s a rhinestone cowboy exculpates him? I have no clue, see what you think.

My best guess is that all these images are meant to be heroic. We have the Marlboro Man out there on the land with the horses and then he goes into town, the nation’s capitol to be precise and busts out the doors and windows. And we’re supposed to make some kind of a John Wayne, lone American with a great cause kind of a conclusion out of this.

Sidney Powell has been on Steve Bannon’s show a lot, talking about how she wants to recruit lawyers to represent the January 6 “political prisoners.” So far nobody is busting down her doors with offers to work pro bono. And she may not have a license herself much longer, so defending anybody may be moot.


The film is a Rorschach test. It means different things to different people. Let’s see if Powell does more. Maybe that’s her true legacy, the Leni Riefenstahl of the capitol rioters. She doesn’t need a law license to make films, maybe that’s where this is going.

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  1. There was something in there about “defending the republic”. That is their version of the assault and insurrection of our republic. I guess if you’re a true believer it makes sense.

  2. When all the dust settles, the horses back in their paddocks and shade of those range trees …
    The man in the hat will be in line for any crime he did, if any, and time will, as usual, march on and a few will need to find someone else to feed the horses, comb their manes and treat them with carrots …

    It’s always been, “if you do the crime, you do the time”, I think all of the complicit Republicans would find a 10 year sentence a learning experience, Trump will whine and kick things around, in fact, a 20 year sentence without possibility of parole, makes him 96 as the main instigator and the key reason for the virus/deaths, the Taliban fiasco in Afghanistan, incredibly stupid performances around the world with PM’s from all our allies a comedy of errors at all times, [injecting bleach?]

    Actually, Trump should be charged with first degree murder for all the frontline doctors and nurses who died when he hid tons of the PPE’s they needed desperately …

    He is SO DAMN GUILTY. and does not care, he can’t, so 20 years in prison should hammer a little concern for himself, however, we don’t need his ass in town any more and effectively he will be silenced …

    One of Ursula’s cartoonists should show what the turd will look like after just a couple years in prison, then a detail of him shuffling around with his gold plated walker up to the gate, where a hand full of elementary kids are booing him loudly it could be spectacular …

  3. Am I the only one who had flashbacks to that idiot judge (Roy Moore) in Alabama? He had a campaign ad riding up on his horse. But what I always remember is him walking around in that black leather vest waving that itty bitty silver plated revolver and looking a LOT more like one of the characters at the Blue Oyster Bar in Police Academy. I do hope someone showed him that scene linked up to his little strutting. It would drive him up the freaking wall!

  4. “Let’s see if Powell does more. Maybe that’s her true legacy, the Leni Riefenstahl of the capitol rioters.”

    While Riefenstahl’s reputation was seriously damaged by her pro-Nazi film work, the fact remains she was an incredibly talented filmmaker (even her detractors note she’s on a level with Orson Welles, Sergei Eisenstein and Alfred Hitchcock in terms of her artistic skill).

    To suggest this hack, Sidney Powell, should be described as a “Leni Riefenstahl” of anything is just plain wrong. Might as well describe Donald Trump as the “George Washington of the QAnon movement”–that only serves to insult the memory of Washington rather than elevate Trump’s reputation.


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