You are aware how the evangelical wingnuts embraced Donald Trump as a “baby Xian” and all that vomitorious madness, back in 2016. Just as a brief tutorial on how that occurred: It became obvious in that Ted Cruz, who had the religious vote locked up, was not going to get the GOP nomination. So pseudo-historian David Barton, also a Texan, told the virulently anti-gay James Dobson, who was Mike Pence’s idol, that Trump would get the nomination and some image rehabilitation needed to be done — and fast.

Dobson declared in the Spring of 2016 that he had spoken with Trump  at Trump Tower and was informed that he had been “saved.” Hallelujah. This glad tiding went out forthwith on the Christian Broadcasting Network and the Trinity Broadcasting Network and all of right-wing radio. And you know the rest, Paula White at the White House, all the pastors laying hands on Trump and speaking The Word, Jim Bakker selling apocalyptic pancake mix while getting Trump votes, etc.

Denizens of the right-wing religious world see Trump in biblical terms. They have visions about him and make movies about the visions. And of course, pass the collection plate. They never fail to do that. One of these is this guy, who claims that the January 6 riot at the Capitol was foretold in scripture.

Maybe you should pour yourself a drink. I’ll wait.

I must admit, this is my first exposure to a right-wing evangelical wingnut rabbi. I don’t know how many of him there are. Frankly, just this one is too much for my tastes.

If you’re looking for a nice end times book to give for Christmas, this guy writes those. His last name says it all. “Con” is it, regardless of the spelling.


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  1. Once a Jewish person accepts jesus as the messiah, they are x-tian and no longer Jews. One of the cornerstones of what it means to be a Jew is that while we believe the messiah will come, the messiah has yet to appear. I get extremely aggravated at x-tians being referred to as Jews. It is incorrect.

  2. Gotta completely agree with Spike and PJ here. It is laughable to me what people call themselves these days. I see Arabs whose skin is even whiter than mine (which is pretty white!) call themselves people of color (eye roll, sheesh!) and people who have “accepted Christ as their lord” calling themselves Jews. Nope. They ain’t. Unfortunately, we have no choice but to accept that Jared is (much to so many of our chagrin) and arguably, technically, even Ivanka. But this guy? Uh uh.

  3. Oh and one teensy point of argument Spike. If a man in his twenties should arrive on earth wearing a Montreal Canadiens uniform and lo, lead us to the promised land which shall be called “Stanley”, and “Cup”, then assure thyself that I WILL accept him as my lord and saviour, and indeed the Messiah himself. And I will NOT renounce my Judaism in doing so. And believe me when I assure you that an additional 80,000 Montreal Jews will surely accompany me at that parade. Of course, many more Toronto and Boston Jews will accuse said Messiah of being the anit-Christ or something, so yea verily, there will be an argument to be made. 🙂


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