Maybe the wind of God would have done more good towards eliminating the coronavirus if it had come out of Kenneth Copeland’s other aperture. Then it could be breaking the wind of God. This is from last year.

I think this guy looks satanic and I’m not the only one. Check this out.

Let me share a true story with you. Some of you may remember when I was sharing a house in California and a woman I call the evangelical wingnut came there to sponge off of us for over a year. Fourteen months in the house and she never did so much as buy a bag of cookies for the household. But she figured this was okay because she was a “prayer warrior.”

Long story short, I was detoxing from Xanax in the spring of 2016 and that is a rough row to hoe. Added to that was the fact that Donald Trump was getting the nomination and I seriously thought that I might drop dead from sheer stress. Every day I would read Murfster35 and flip out a little more. This was before I even signed up at Daily Kos, or met Murf and this website wasn’t even a gleam in the web developer’s eye yet. Interesting how things develop.

Enter the evangelical wingnut. She told me she had the answer to my malaise, both physical and political and that was for me to “hear the word of God.” So she dialed up Copeland Ministries on my computer and then she spoke over me in tongues, while Gloria Copeland, Kenneth’s wife, was going on about how Hell was even hotter than Texas, so you don’t want to go there. I was too sick to laugh in her face and that’s a fact. So I just lay there.

When the wingnut moved out she left behind one of the “gifts” of the Copeland Ministry, which was a photocopied instruction manual on “How To Believe God For A House.” She would chant passages from the Bible, with the understanding that if she did this diligently enough, God would give her a house. Maybe drop it from the sky like in Wizard of Oz, who knows?

Point being, there are a lot of sickos and lost souls out there and they listen to this bozo.

Here’s a piece you might enjoy. It’s the first tape, of Copeland doing the “wind of God” with a heavy metal remix. No lie.

You can’t make this stuff up. Pat Robertson was out on Virginia Beach banishing Hurricane Maria a few years back, too. There’s a market for this.

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  1. My grandmother died from a tumor she would not have removed thanks to her right wing religion. That was sixty years ago. And here we are today. Pure irony. Science makes it possible for the faith fascist to corrupt even more people with their malignant anti-science mantra today than it could in the fifties. Can we stand ànother sixty years of fake Christians?

  2. Folks like Kenneth Copeland (including all the huckster televangelists*) make me sincerely hope that the guys behind “South Park” have the whole Heaven/Hell situation correct: That EVERYONE winds up in Hell, no matter how good their earthly life was (except for the Mormons–they got it right).

    Conversely, the guys behind “Robot Chicken” did a sketch where a guy gets killed in an accident and winds up in Heaven where he sees Adolf Hitler and his own molesting uncle and is pretty appalled; his angelic guide simply tells him that they made deathbed confessions so they got into Heaven. There was also another sketch where the Rapture happens and everyone gets taken except for Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson–who then end the sketch making out! (I think the “South Park” take is the one that would really tick off the televangelists.)

    *With a little tweaking, that could make a good drag name: Huxta Televangelista.

    • Don’t 4get Hell & Satan’s dilemma being caught between Chris & Saddam Hussein. The other person sent to heaven was Saddam to be with the Mormons, God doing Satan a favor. Satan, waking up in the destroyed hotel room with Saddam & the goat was priceless.

    • Always been rather fond of the Jewish concept of Sheol, which is where everybody winds up when they do. Neither Heaven nor Hell, it’s sort of like an eternal waiting room of dullness. Ironically I consider that less boring than the very concept of Heaven or Hell.

  3. John Oliver covers this fool and his wife in one of his longer pieces about religion and the tax exemptions it gets. Funny stuff until you think about how much money these people steal from those who have none to begin with. And then there’s the “miracle cures”. Every damned one of them should be shot.

  4. Man this guy is creepy and looks like a gargoyle! The other 4 men repeating what the gargoyle says is really wired! Unbelievable!

  5. Whenever I have the misfortune of hearing one of these fools on TV, my thoughts go to Matthew 7:22-23
    22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

    23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.


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