Never a dull moment in the brain of Rudy Giuliani, apparently. Rudy decided what he was going to be on Halloween and how to take a shot at Terry McAuliffe, both at the same time. Or wait a minute, I got it: Rudy also did this as a Cameo gig and made two hundred bucks. So it’s a triple base hit. Without further ado, here’s what the brainstorm looks like.

Those are slightly tinted sunglass lenses, if I’m not mistaken. Did Lincoln wear sunglasses? Or glasses at all, any of you scholars know? On his boat in the harbor, maybe? Oh wait, that’s Joe Manchin. I frequently confuse the two.

Rudy seems to love accents. The only trouble is, this Lincoln accent sounds more like his Queen Elizabeth accent than whatever the president from the Illinois prairie might have sounded like.

Rudy as Olivier. Whuddya thot? It’s been said about Giuliani that he’s always been “a man in search of a balcony” but who knew that he wanted to play Juliet from it? It’s a cinch he doesn’t want to play Romeo, he’s down there in the dirt, Juliet’s up there in the moonlight.

Rudy’s soul revealed, finally, after all these years. At heart, he’s a bad, ham actor, seeking only the limelight. All of you who figured that out back in 2001, raise your hands. Thought so.


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  1. I assume he used an app that he didn’t make (I cannot see him competent enough to make it) – but that is NOT a Lincoln hat. It’s a Scrooge hat. Lincoln wore a “stovepipe,” which, as the term implies, is cylindricale. That hat is a top hat, which is a truncated cone (and usually NOT that exaggerated.)

  2. I think next time I watch Rudolph the red nose reindeer splain something I should take LSD. Might make more sense. Maybe I’ll wear a funny hat too.


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