Thursday’s January 6 Committee hearing is looking to be a doozy, just from two clips which have come forward. The first clip is from White House counsel Eric Herschmann. It is a must see.

The second clip is from Liz Cheney and at the end of it is the Herschmann clip. It’s good to see what Cheney has to say.

These hearings are being beautifully orchestrated. Unless Americans are totally asleep or apathetic to the point of unconsciousness, this information should be effective. That said, it is also safe to say that minds have been made up already. The crazies will believe whatever Trump tells them to and most likely their minds can’t be changed at all. Fox News viewers, we speak of you.

Here is the Cheney clip, presenting a tutorial outline of what has happened so far and what is to come.

As I said above, most people have already made up their minds. However, that is not to say that even the people who have won’t be blown away by testimony that they have not yet heard and the people who have made up their minds about Trump being right may find something compelling, if they bother to watch the hearings at all.

We don’t know if the crazies outnumber the normal people in this country but the fact that Joe Biden got elected by the margin that he did is a hopeful sign. On the other hand, the fact that both chambers of Congress are hanging by a thread in Democratic hands and that could snap this fall says something else altogether.

Nobody knows what will happen later this year. The laws of political physics are topsy turvey. It’s like living in a world where gravity stops working intermittently. Nobody knows what to expect next. Maybe Pennsylvania will elect lunatics like Doug Mastriano and Mehmet Oz, or maybe they’ll see through the sham and elect same people.

We simply do not know. Anybody who tells you s/he can predict the outcome of the midterms is either somebody relying on historical precedent, which in this day and age is unreliable at best, or they are a fool. There are too many wild cards in a game that’s gone nuts.


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