Satan used to be known as the Father Of All Lies until Donald Trump showed up and smoked him for the amateur he was. Trump told over 30,000 lies while in office, an average of 21 a day. But the biggest lie he saved for last and that was his description of what a love fest it was at the Capitol on January 6. Today in Congress the truth is being told. Finally.

The sad part about this is that anybody testifying before this committee is going to be subject to MAGA outrage. Tucker Carlson has already targeted Officer Dunn and he’s received threats. The other testifying officers are likely to follow.

I think the day is dawning where Fox News has to run a chyron under the likes of Carlson, Ingraham and Hannity saying that they are talk show hosts and entertainers and that the material presented is not factual. I think that may be the only way to go, because the root of the problem here has been dual narratives of reality. Maybe that’s finally going to end.


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  1. Fox should rename those shows to make it clear they’re opinion only. Or bill them as talk shows, where most people don’t expect news.

  2. MAGAts don’t read. The only effective way is to defund these clowns by harassing their sponsors. It worked with Lush Rimbo. We need to make them non-profitable for FAUX.

    • Well, to make sure the MAGAts understand the disclaimers, FOX “News” could always use an audio disclaimer–you know, the way some shows do with “The following show is intended for mature audiences; viewer discretion is advised” (one show I can think of that uses the “voice-warning” is the spy-comedy “Archer”–they use the voice-warning in addition to the ratings visual). Just have one of the Murdoch brothers record a little clip that would air before any of the Carlson/Hannity/Ingraham/other “opinion” shows. Have the clip feature the guy in some kind of professional office setting–maybe behind a desk–and he says something like, “Good evening, I’m ______. On behalf of the FOX News Channel, I wish to remind you that the following program expresses the opinions and beliefs of the host or hosts and their guests and is, in no way, considered to represent the opinions of the FOX News Channel.”

      And have it appear every time the show comes back from a commercial break or, at the very least, every half hour.


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