Once again I marvel at the people who are elected officials to our government from the Republican party. I simply marvel. The first clip you’re about to watch is one of Nancy Mace from Tim Scott’s prayer breakfast Thursday. I thought it a bit tasteless at the time for Mace to share the details of her sex life with anybody publicly, let alone a group of Bible thumpers, but mostly I found it odd. Tone deaf, to say the very least.

I was not the only one. Comedian Blaire Erskine got into the mix and her take is truly hilarious.

First, check out Nancy Mace.

This sounds like a teenager to me, letting the world know that she’s getting some, as if anybody cares. But in all truth, I’ve known women like this. Men are not the only ones who have to boast about a “conquest” I’ve known women to do it as well. And they’re generally insecure women.

Mace is 45 years old and when she marries her fiance it will be husband number three. Who might be husband number four, we don’t know. Maybe that’s her issue, she’s feeling old and wants the world to know she’s still got it.

Her comments produced this reaction.

Now here’s Blair Erskine’s take.


Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) can totally read the room—which is why she talked about how she could’ve been at home fucking her fiancé to a room full of evangelicals at Sen. Tim Scott’s (R-S.C.) prayer breakfast on Wednesday.

In fact, Mace was almost late to her fellow South Carolinian’s “standing room-only” event because of the unfulfilled sexual request from **checks notes** Patrick. “I woke up this morning at 7—I was getting picked up at 7:45—Patrick, my fiancé, tried to pull me by my waist over in bed, and I was like, ‘No baby we don’t have time for that this morning. I gotta get to the prayer breakfast, and I gotta be on time.’ A little TMI,” Mace said.

And you thought she was pathetic when she stood outside of Trump Tower, looking to align herself with the Dreamsickle Deity so that she could get reelected.

For her part, Mace responded on Twitter, we mean X, that “I go to church because I’m a sinner, not a saint. This will be something extra for Pastor Greg and I to talk about this Sunday.” Maybe the pastor can advise her that silence is golden.


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  1. Her internal polling numbers must be scaring the crap out of her if she’s willing to “tease” the males in her district into having “naughty fantasies” about her. Hey, religious people f**k too. Nine months after old-timey “revivals” there’s a baby boom amongst the attendees that got all “filled up with the holy spirit.” I even recall missing a chance back when I played college ball with a gal Hefner wouldn’t have hesitated one second in making a Playmate Centerfold. Because she was what back there and then was called a “Jesus Freak.” By the time I found out how wrong I was about her not enjoying her sexuality it was too late. But it did clue me in to the fact that lots of these people (both male and female) talked the talk about chastity and only having sex if married in reality they’d f**k like bunnies.

    • My Niece From.Hell,a card carrying evangelical.nation Trumpie, lost her virginity at 15. God knows how many men she had sex with before the dumb Schubert she married proposed to.her. I am.actually shocked that she is still.married because between the 4siblings and her grandparents there are 12 divorces.

  2. This moron falls squarely into the mass of stupid cult members who’ve been told over and over…go ahead and do whatever you want…you’ve been washed clean in the blood of Jesus. All sins are forgiven. WRONG. We can use Biblical scholarship to debate how these writings came to be, how they were influenced by culture, languages, politics, and interpretation. There is no such thing as a ‘christian’ in the early church of JEWISH believers. There’s no evidence Jesus’ teachings,(those that reasonably be attributed to him), ever espoused such an idea. He evidently did claim only those who followed his commandments were his followers. The two greatest according to the gospels are: to love God with all your heart, mind and soul; and to love your neighbor as yourself. The irony is the modern evangelicals are doing exactly what Jesus accused the Jewish religious leaders of doing…breaking the covenant with God’s commandments, yet CLAIMING you are the only true followers, which makes you a HYPOCRITE. He made a point of you will know a tree by its FRUITS, i.e., your treatment of the stranger,(immigrant, outcast, prisoner), the poor and downtrodden. He also pointed out, according to the author of John’s gospel, that the evil One is the father of all lies. ALL LIES.(John 8:42-47). Given the track record of these nazis, there’s not a thing in this world to wash them clean. Ever notice how none of these muthers ever want to discuss the Bible? They know about as much about the origins of their ‘faith’ as they do about the moons around Jupiter. Of course, that’s because they are immoral and worship money and power. Their rotten fruit lies everywhere. The stench has invaded all of our daily lives. Prayer breakfast held by nazis??? Yeah, you should pray. Pray there’s no justice in eternity. Pray this is all there is. Pray there’s no ‘God’, especially one where you say he’s everywhere, knows EVERYTHING, and is all powerful. UH OH. More dick won’t fix it babe.

  3. Oh, and I know most in our materialistic, supposedly ‘rational’ culture, don’t believe in supernatural evil or darkness. Easy to believe on THIS SIDE OF THE GRAVE. Have a near death experience then see what you believe. As Shakespeare pointed out hundreds of years ago when Hamlet met his father’s ghost, and his friends thought he was going crazy, “there are more things in heaven and earth than dreamt of in your philosophy Horatio”. I know this to be true from experience, not conjecture.

  4. Doesn’t this woman know that she’s NOT allowed to refuse her “man” (if they’re living together and she’s calling him her “fiancé,” he’s as good as her husband according to the Bible) when he wants to have “relations?”

    Maybe when she and “Pastor Greg” are “talking” about it, he can remind her of her Biblical obligations to serve her as-good-as-husband in all ways. Of course, that’s assuming that she and the good pastor actually talk. For all we know, her idea of “talking” might be the same way that Olivia Newton-John described in her hit, “Physical”–you know, “There’s nothin’ left to talk about/’less it’s horizontally.”

    • Why is she having pre-marital sex, and how has she come to disobey her husband(s) more than once to get divorced?

      The real questions on the mind of ‘true believers’.

  5. Do evangelicals condone sex before marriage? A fiance is not a husband. Seems to me that if you’re going to a prayer breakfast with your bible thumping religious buddies, you shouldn’t be talking about your sex life with your not-husband! Just goes to show how so many of them don’t adhere to the scriptures/strictures they want to throw at the rest of us.

  6. Hebrews 10:26-31:
    26 If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left,
    27 but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God.
    28 Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses.
    29 How much more severely do you think someone deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified them, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace?
    30 For we know Him who said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” and again, “The Lord will judge his people.”
    31 It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

    • Sex outside of marriage is fornication and a sin. And she committing this sin deliberately, practically bragging about it. Sex with someone other than your divorced spouse is adultery unless they’ve have sex with someone else first, they’ve “put you away” in the King James vernacular. And what she should expect for her deliberate sins is to be treated as an enemy of God.
    • It took the testimony of two or three witnesses to prevent you from receiving consecration after death in the Old Testament days, but God would still consecrate you if the witnesses lied. Now that’s no longer the case. Jesus’s own testimony is sufficient to send you to Hell.
    • Salvation from your sins is a most precious thing. To treat it like a blanket… towel… or toilet paper… That’s a real quick way to get Jesus off your side at Judgment, to find your way to the left hand of Judgment, to Hell’s fire.

    (Mom wanted me to be a Southern Baptist preacher. Does it show?)

    • I wasn’t just a jock. I could also sing, and as I grew up not only did so in choir (and solos) in my own (Presbyterian) church but in just about every church in town and a few in nearby communities. Pretty much seen it all except for attending a Mormon service and one at the local Jehova’s Witness. One of their members knew me from school and asked if I’d do a solo there and I thought why not? I’d seen some pretty out there stuff and hell, I was curious. But the pastor I’m told flatly rejected it so I never attended a service there. Anyway, I also learned (as I’ve mentioned here several times) a decent amount about Judaism growing up from a quite patient lady who put up with all manner of stupid questions from me. The thing is, except for some of the “prophecy” passages from the Old Testament I never saw the point of most of it. The entire premise to me of Jesus’ ministry and therefore the New Testament was that all that Old Testament stuff was wrong. JESUS’ way was “the way” and it didn’t have all those rules that had developed over all that time after Abraham. Jesus said all that crap missed the point. It’s also worth noting he didn’t spend time condemning sex, and there’s that one passage when he saved a gal from being stoned to death. Shamed the crowd. People f**k. Always have. It’s biology. If people hadn’t f**ked through the ages, both before organized religion and after it came along the human race would have died out long ago!

      I don’t care what consenting adults do in the privacy of their homes. Neither should anyone else. I do think that some discretion when it comes to discussing enjoyment of some of life’s most wonderful wicked delights is called for. And regardless of the level of one’s religious fervor I don’t think when being a speaker at a special religious function talking about not having time for a quickie before coming to the event is rather less than appropriate. Maybe with some pals after the formal part was over, the post formalities “cofffee time” like we’d have at church after the formal service. You know. Discreet. Like responding to a “your hair, makeup, outfit etc. seems like you were in a rush this morning” type query. Looking around and confiding in a quiet voice might be ok IF you knew the person(s) would find it amusing. But hey, that’s just me. And it seemed to me like there was a bit of laughter. Maybe nervous laughter but there nonetheless. Like maybe some of the other attendees had a similar experience, or DID tear off a piece of action before coming to pray! People f**k. Even holier than thou “Christians.”

  7. Only one comment denis…Jesus didn’t reject the Torah…even his greatest commandments were there. He was devout, which is why when he went to his hometown, he went to temple and read from Isaiah. Of course his hometown had heard of his miracles and expected him to do the same. When he said he wasn’t going to, the fickle crowd seized him and took him to the top of a cliff to kill him. In Luke 4, this was very early in his ministry. It’s rings true because that’s how people are, i.e., tell them what they want to hear,(trump), and you can do all sorts of evil. Tell them what they don’t want to hear and they turn on you. The gospels, to their credit, show Jesus being hassled, threatened, and run out of town even if he did miracles. He was a nonviolent revolutionary who held the Jewish leaders accountable for not following their covenant with Yaweh. The quickest way to trouble is to tell the truth and stand up for right over might. The Jews are still waiting for a messiah to lead them in a holy war…a military victory. Seems appropriate Israel is a system of apartheid and is getting more fascist by the day. So much for the ten commandments…Jesus kept them, the Jews have not. Of course the so called ‘christians’ haven’t kept Jesus’ commandments either. There are no innocent actors in any belief system…this planet is run by violence and might making right. People really don’t believe in existence after death, or fear ‘God’. If they did, they might fear judgement over their mortal soul, as the Old testament and Jesus warned us all is coming. After a near death experience, and being in the presence of true evil in supernatural darkness, I can say from my direct experience that there are ‘powers and principalities’ that exist in the world behind the world. They are out to destroy and drive us to despair. I prayed for help, and in ‘a twinkling of an eye’, was delivered back to life. The actual reality I experienced was a shock to my rational self educated in our materialist culture, and 50 years later, I remember it vividly. It motivated me to seriously study the Bible with scholars, something I find is rare amongst Jews, Christians, and Muslims. People spend more time focused on money, sex, and entertainment. The bill will come due and ALL OF US are headed to the grave. All this fervent bluster of bullsh*t wrapped in shallow religious beliefs won’t be worth a damn then.


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