Donald Trump’s actions have been called out quite a bit today. Tim Scott called his retweeting of the White Power salute by one of his supporters, “indefensible.” Now along comes writer/producer Don Winslow and he’s calling out Trump’s actions in the most powerful two minutes  that I’ve seen on this topic. This is a companion piece to “BountY’ which the Lincoln Project released Saturday.

Trump is not going to get away with this. He’s hit a deep, raw nerve here. I personally have known too many veterans of too many wars, and I’m talking WWII, Korea, Vietnam, even the Gulf War. I cannot see them, or their families, or America, putting up with this.

The GOP and Fox News are going to do everything in their power to minimize this and say it didn’t happen and I don’t see them being successful. Trump needs to resign today.

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    • Isn’t this wonderful? We have so many smart, talented people going against Donald Trump and what have they got? Kid Rock is going to say something meaningful? Does anybody give a phuque what James Woods thinks? Trump’s got nothing. And right now he’s trying to figure out how to demonize Joe Biden while this is going on. Oh yeah, Trump’s going to make Uncle Joe look bad.

    • It broke on a Friday, had no legit responses from the White House the whole weekend and has leakers standing in a queue to offer more details. It’s just getting started.

  1. I’m old enough to know when to keep one’s mouth shut. That being said, let’s leave it at I’m absolutely outraged by this and hope that one day those responsible are held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.


    • I’ve gotten out of that habit in the last few years, keeping my mouth shut. These days, I just give it to people straight. And straight up, everyone in Trump’s orbit better have damn good lawyers.

  2. Any hope Trump had of a legitimate win has expired with this story. If things have gone as I suspect, his illegitimate resources are gone too.




    There’s no coming back from this one.

  3. Meanwhile, I’ve heard diddly-squat from any of the corrupt cowards in the GOP Senate. Nothing. Just when we think things couldn’t possibly sink any lower, the Republicans show us that there’s still another basement to visit.

  4. ???? ?? ????&???? ?? ????
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  5. Careful with the pronouncement he’s not coming back from this one…the pussy grabbing comment with 20+ sexual assaults was supposed to be the end. Hitler was supposed to stop after the rhineland, then poland, then the rest of Europe other than briton. Realize there is NOTHING he won’t do, including starting a war, to keep power. I say again, he will not voluntarily leave power. Dictators and kings don’t do that unless forced.

    • Friendly reminder: it is no longer 2016, Trump has been “president” for three and a half years, nothing he has done this year has helped him even slightly, every GOP elected official is running scared and the SCOTUS keeps handing down decisions that are going to discourage what few Republican voters are standing by Trump’s side.

      So, in summary, it’s okay to admit we’re winning, so long as we keep putting in the work. And never forget how he needs willing subordinates to make his dictatorship delusions happen.

      • You’re right though, that we need to keep putting in the work. I really think thinking we had it sewn up last time is part of what turned into the catastrophe we’re all now living in. We have to keep pushing, calling, writing, donating, signing and for FSM’s sake GOTV!

  6. They’re going to say it’s a hoax, it wasn’t ever confirmed, Trump didn’t get briefed on it, countries always pay their soldiers to kill their enemies. In short, they’re going to water it down, standard PR procedure, and they hope it will get lost in the next burst of revelations and chaos that Trump & Co. are so good at. So nothing is the Silver Bullet that kills the big bad Dragon.

  7. The really good news is in order to pull off some kind of authoritarian stunt, he would need the military…dont think they would line up behind private bone spurs, especially siding with our enemies who are sending troops home in flag draped caskets. Not gonna happen.

    • This last one, the knowing or not knowing, you pick, about the bounty? Thinking this pulls the plug out of the dinghy. Not sure how even cowardly lion republicans can twirl their tails and shuffle their feet at this one.

  8. Saw this early this morning when I was thinking about the piece I wanted to write. This guy, Winslow, takes no prisoners. This is a powerful and damning spot. The two minutes he uses go by so fast it’s seems like a 30-second spot. He has to date written about 20 fiction mysteries, with one of them written on a train while he traveled up and down the coast of California. He’s quite something for all aspiring writers to, well, aspire to, pardon the dangling preposition 🙂


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