I cannot believe that the following is opinion protected by the First Amendment. This is flat out lies. The more that this gets out on the airwaves, coupled with Donald Trump’s incredible fundraising emails and their lies, the more democracy starts to wilt. I know the Fairness Doctrine has been gone since the 80’s. Rush Limbaugh, perhaps so named because he rushed into the vacuum and created right-wing media, is also gone, but his legacy has only grown. Fox News has been ruining American culture for 25 years now.

The Fairness Doctrine needs to come back, or something that can quash this kind of blatant proselytizing of conspiracy theory as fact.

Yeah, he’s a reliable guy. He’s also a convicted felon who was pardoned by Trump.

We can’t have two narratives of reality running side by side. The Fairness Doctrine needs to come back. Or somebody needs to come up with a better angle to combat this madness, that’s my best idea. Although maybe it’s too late. This kind of thing has made an inroad into America, there’s a market for it, conspiracy theory is a thriving industry. A story broke just the other day about AT&T financing OAN and that created scarcely a ripple in the pond.


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  1. The Fairness Doctrine only covered broadcast networks. The cable networks weren’t a big deal (there was only local cable), so they weren’t covered.
    But we need something.
    Start with not being able to use “news” in your name if you’re claiming to be an entertainment network when you end up in court for lying.

  2. What we need is a law forcing truth in media…ALL media! Lies and disinformation need to be defines as NOT being free speech, and not allowed on any form of media!!

      • And how many works of fiction in libraries are categorized as non-fiction? Libraries have a STRICT system, known as the “Dewey Decimal System” to categorize all non-fiction works and *some* works of fiction. The fictional works that get a Dewey Decimal number will typically fall under one of three headings: First is the 800 group, set aside for “Literature” (so you’re likely to find the works of Shakespeare and Melville and Tolstoy but a lot of the prose works will generally be more scholarly in form such as full bodies of work or critiques and analyses); second is the 400 group, set aside for “Languages” (this is most commonly where you’ll find non-English language works in that non-English language; a collection of plays by Molière in French would more likely be found here rather than the 800 group); and third is the 200 group, set aside for “Philosophy and Religion” (most of the “fiction” here will be collections of mythologies like the Norse or Greek myths or non-Abrahamic religious tracts like the Mahabharata which Christians regard as “myth” but Hindus regard as sacred literature).

        But ordinary “fiction” is typically segregated in most public libraries (and most books do contain detailed classification information that distinguishes whether the work is fiction or non-fiction). Typically, genre material (mysteries, science fiction, etc) may be further separated from “generic” fiction which is almost universally organized by the author’s last (or family) name in alphabetical order from A to Z.

  3. The BS is so deep now, it is like we have to wade through the flood waters of the crap every day … when they start blasting Obama, you can see the squirming electric eels in those flood waters, so blatantly dangerous and aggressive, but lost to common sense and now Trump and his upper tree house of shame is closer to that crash in the windstorm brewing in NYC …

    If it was not so irritating and obtuse, one can look at what the Obama’s are doing in Chicago and be amused at how stupid these people are, because the Obama’s are SO BUSY planning and building a center for learning and showing history, a center for youth and us older codgers as well in the south side of the city … This has been in the REAL NEWS recently, they don’t have time for what these shit for brains are saying they are doing …

    Striking out at Obama fits the glove of Trump that he uses to swing his gold plated golf clubs, so well and FOX has no limits to what they say …

    Promoting a criminal dumb-ass statement, even though his pardon clearly states he is truly guilty of crimes against our country, is beyond the pale … Someone should task the freak Tucker with questions about his source being reliable in spite of being a convicted and guilty criminal at the highest levels of our military, which is a grand slam against the military itself …

    Showing his true colors of ignoring those things the military holds so close to their hearts … Sucker Tucker should be careful what he says …

  4. Funny how our jails are full of pot smokers, mostly young minorities, & the law putting them there was based on a lie put in place by a criminal president,(nixon), to put Vietnam protesters & black activists in jail. That is a fact admitted to by his #2 staff. Yet that law remains unchanged though half the country has legalized it for either medicine and/or recreation. The rich Sacklers, making billions off oxycontin, & killing hundreds of thousands, recreate on their yacht. No jail time.. Meanwhile the criminal traitors roam around continuing with the slow moving coup. When your system allows these kind of things, you promote lies,hypocrisy, & injustice. I must be the least surprised person in America. White hypocrisy killing folks? That story founded & sustained our culture. U don’t build a house starting with a rotten foundation. It will fall. Hmmmm.

    • I notice fux nuz cleans up its act for two reasons: lawsuits and when advertisers leave in droves. For what ever reason the powers that be at that loony bin are not afraid of lawsuits so perhaps if the advertisers on fux generally and those advertising with Liar Tuck specifically ought to be made to understand what the word “boycott” means. Apparently they’ve forgotten.

  5. Personally, I have always thought that traitors should get .30 caliber therapy as soon as possible in their careers. Mr. Flynn betrayed the American people to Russia and was pardoned by the other Traitor, Trump. Call me old-fashioned but I liked the way 16th century England handled traitors. Remove their heads, place them on a Pike and put them on public display until the birds and animals have done with them. On additional thought, it might be a good way to handle Tucker Carlson, Ron Johnson, Mitch McConnell, Joe Manchin, Kevin McCarthy and other Republican traitors. Oh, you say Manchin is a Democrat. In name only is my response. He’s just another rich asshole, oh, I am being redundant, who wants to keep his privileges and not be made unhappy by paying taxes. There was time when being a traitor meant something and wasn’t viewed as just another money-making possibility. At that same time the FBI was actually a law enforcement agency rather than a political whorehouse like it is now and the Department of Justice could actually spell Justice. Ah, the good old days.

    • Private Eddie D. Slovak, 36896415, the only American to be shot for cowardice since the Civil War. The judge wrote: ” he has directly challenged the authority of the government, & future discipline depends upon a resolute reply to this challenge. If the death penalty is ever to be imposed for desertion, it should be imposed in this case, not as a punitive measure nor as retribution, but to maintain that discipline upon which alone an army can succeed against the enemy. There was no recommendation for clemency in the case & none is here recommended”. Just pointing out how these traitors have received NO REAL CONSEQUENCES.

  6. Flynn does not know his ass from a hole in the ground. The little shit needs to be relieved of his military pension and he damned sure should not be referred to as “general” anything unless it is a general pain in the ass.

    WHY is our military allowing this little shit to continue this nonsense?


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