This is epic. Michael Cohen calls out both Bill Barr and Rudy Giuliani, whom he describes as “shitfaced on election night, which he was most of the time.” This is so funny, because Michael Cohen and Trump go a long ways back, obviously, and so do Giuliani and Trump. And according to Cohen, “He used to talk shit about Giuliani all the time in the office.”

Bill Barr is desperately trying to rehabilitate his image but it’s too little too late for that. Nice try, though.

Go practice sleeping on the sidewalk, Rudy, because that’s what it’s going to feel like under the bus. Be sure to take a good stock of Night Train with you.

I do love this revisionist history attempt on Bill Barr’s part. As you heard yesterday, Barr insists he told Trump that the election fraud theory was “bullshit” but he didn’t come out and say so at the time. Barr resigned after Trump lost. Barr took care of Barr then and that’s all he’s doing now.

Nobody is buying Barr’s now-rosy interpretation of what happened and seeing him as a moral person. But it is good for comic relief purposes to watch.

I can’t wait for Rudy to step into the role of the next RINO/coffee boy, that Trump barely knew. I do so look forward to that. But bear this in mind: Trump surrounded himself with people who told him what he wanted to hear. Never forget that. It’s not a question of Rudy going off the deep end after he’d had one too many scotches. No, Trump wanted to hear that there was a way forward where he could bluster that he won the election, get the rubes stirred up and most importantly of all, getting them to take out their credit cards and pledge. That’s why Rudy was there. He knew it and Trump most emphatically knew it.


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  1. Barr was perfectly happy with the Big Lie until it turned into Seditious Insurrection. He needed to get out of Dodge before that actually happened.

  2. I remember a couple things Barr reportedly said during his lying and ass licking for TFG. He said he didn’t care what his legacy would be because he’d be dead, and he said history is written by the winners. Guess he suddenly realized he’d been backing a loser and that he did care about his legacy after all.


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