We had a foreshadowing of this madness with Mike Pence. Mike Pence is a theocrat and he would be only too happy to have the U.S. turn into Gilead. Couldn’t happen fast enough to suit him.

Even though Barry Goldwater said back in the 60’s that the religious people were impossible to deal with, because no matter what you said they thought that they were right because God was telling them what to do, the evangelical vote is crucial to the GOP. They just can’t get enough of it.

As we speak, Doug Mastriano is at his rally in Pennsylvania, along with Mehmet Oz and of course Trumpty Dumpty will show up as the keynote speaker to wow everybody. Here’s Mastriano’s “God moment.”

Doug sees rainbows. And soon he’ll see unicorns. And soon the unicorns will fart and their farts will sparkle, because that’s what it is to be a unicorn. I guess.

Now as nuts as the above tape looks, in all fairness, it’s no crazier than this.

Are you having a deju vu? There is good reason for that. You don’t think that this is original do, you? Audacious, yes, ludicrous to be sure, but original? Nah.

The timbre and cadence of the spot’s voice of God will resonate with older voters as evocative of Paul Harvey, the famed newscaster for Middle America who died in 2009 at age 90.

  • Everything but: “Good day!”

The ad is a takeoff on Paul Harvey’s famous “So God Made a Farmer” speech to the Future Farmers of America in Kansas City, Mo., in 1978.

Here’s the ad.

The desperation is strong with both of these clowns. And let me be clear. I do believe in greater intelligences beyond the ones on this planet, are you kidding? And the idea of a universal intelligence does not insult me at all. But this sky fairy worship that these two  have going does not comport at all with the God of my understanding. Their concept of God is somebody who gives you what you want, kind of a cosmic concierge. To tell you the truth, I think there’s a lot of wisdom in that old country western song, “Some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.”  I wouldn’t try to explain it to Mastriano or DeSantis, they’re too dense to grasp the irony.

And their sky fairy will soon ride in on the unicorn and say unto them that Trump won the election.

That’s the size of things on the last weekend before the election. Expect it to get worse. It always does.


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  1. Barry Goldwater had “Christians” number four decades ago. He was appalled by Reagan’s alignment with them to create the electoral bloc that got him into office. But Reagan never respected or cared much for them and they grew increasingly frustrated at Reagan for not pushing their agenda anywhere near as forcefully as they wanted. However, as with the racism that was taking over the GOP as the shift from people being “Southern” Democrats into Republicans was underway the establishment GOP thought they could control the religious wingnuts the same way the got the racists to keep using the proverbial dog-whistles. But Goldwater knew the time would come when these zealots would get real power and he was certain it would be a bad thing. In fact he thought we’d be fucked and boy was he ever right! Here’s a famous quote of his from the 1980s.

    “Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they’re sure trying to do so, it’s going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can’t and won’t compromise. I know, I’ve tried to deal with them.”

  2. Rainbows are a message that it won’t be a flood next time. (Well, unless it’s a smallish Giant meteor.) Guys like Mastriano who claim to be all that religious should be familiar with that story.

  3. As far as seeing a rainbow as some kind of message from God, well, as P J notes, the Bible says the message about rainbows is that God’s saying “I ain’t gonna destroy the world by flooding it again.” No other message was delivered.

    Now, if God wanted to send me a sign during a speech I was giving, I think I’d be looking for something a little, um, less natural and more supernatural. Kind of like the sign God (supposedly) gave Constantine the Great before the Battle of the Milvian Bridge. (Details vary depending on the source but the sign/vision itself was decidedly not a natural phenomenon like a simple rainbow.)

  4. I would take Bernie’s birdie over Mastriano’s rainbow. Animals and birds know good people.
    But both are utterly natural phenomena, not “signs from God”.


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