To be or not to be, that is the question and Marge, honey, if you’re thinking about being Speaker of the House of Representatives, in this country at least, you can forget about it. Maybe your idol Vladimir Putin has a place for you running one of his prisons, but as far as elective positions are concerned, you pretty much are where you’re going to go.  Trumpty Dumpty has a better chance of becoming House speaker and he doesn’t want the job. He has no intention of going to work every day. He tried it when he was in the White House and hitting the Oval Office at eleven a.m. was as good as it got.

As you undoubtedly heard, Marge’s husband of 27 years, Perry, filed for divorce last Tuesday. Many people have written tell-all books and I’ll say this much, if I was a publisher that is one manuscript I’d throw a few nickels on. And you know what my first question would be: Was Wifey the pipe bomber?

This is Marge fantasizing about the next step in her journey.

This clip from Spring of 2021 was dropped into this thread. It’s a slice of life of both Marge and her favorite running buddy Matt Gaetz. I would suggest that the two of them might have found another form of congress that they had in common, beyond the United States House, but frankly? I think Margie is way too old for Mattie. Mattie is one of these development arrested in middle school kinda guys, he’s not going to be with a woman much over 30 and that’s pushing it.

Naturally, normal Americans are thrilled with all this.

She could be Margie Pu, that works.

The United States hasn’t tried fascism as a form of government, but Trump and his MAGA cohorts are certainly game for it. That’s the takeaway here. Terrifying but true.

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  1. That was the nickname she gave to the pipebombs she planted. FBI…calling the FBI…you have the devices…if you can find others doing the same…you can trace materials, internet searches, etc. Why let Mr. Ed, posing as a woman, off? Willlllburrrr!

    • It’s amazing that, even though she’s IN the House of Representatives, she doesn’t seem to understand how one gets that role of Speaker. Usually, the people that get chosen to be Speaker, they’re already in a party leadership role (granted, there are absolutely zero Constitutional details regarding the position of the Speaker* but the standard practice is to choose from among the House membership AND a member with some level of party leadership) but the Speaker does NOT “rule” the House. Try that “iron fist” policy and you’ll be out of the job so fast your head will spin like Linda Blair’s in “The Exorcist.”

      *Hypothetically speaking, since the Speaker doesn’t cast a vote AS Speaker (only in their role as a duly-elected member of the House), unless there are rules adopted BY THE HOUSE itself, there’s nothing that would prevent the House from choosing a high school student as Speaker of the House. (I can just imagine such a student having to explain why he or she didn’t turn in a homework assignment.)


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