Politics makes for strange bedfellows and right now a lot of Democrats, myself included, are in alignment with Liz Cheney. Here she tells Lesley Stahl that Donald Trump isn’t going to just up and disappear if you don’t talk about him. I agree. There are a lot of people who take an ostrich stance, that if we don’t pay attention to Trump he’ll fade away like a bad dream and that’s naive. Trump is dangerous and he’s very much a part of the scene.

Trump is a cancer on our country as Anthony Gonzelez, the Ohio Republican Representative who is not running for reelection put it. He’s a brain tumor, specifically. His effect on the minds of so many Americans is stunning.

One can only hope that Americans outnumber the Trumpites or that they wake up and I don’t see them awakening from their dream. At least, I don’t know what it would take.


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  1. New idea for a horror movie: In the tradition of “Bloody Mary” and the film “Candyman” and the “South Park” episode, “Hell on Earth 2006,” a tradition develops in which saying the name “Donald Trump” in front of a mirror or other reflective surface 5 times causes Trump to appear behind the person, ranting about all the voter fraud and how the election was stolen, leading to the summoner’s having a complete and total mental breakdown (or, in a slightly more terrifying Kafkaesque version, transforming into another Donald Trump).

  2. That message from Cheney was meant for non-Trump conservatives, not the likes of us. Trump is no longer much a danger to the country as a whole. That’s why he’s taking it out on the rest of the GQP. They’re the only people left he can actually harm, which he’s doing on a weekly basis.


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