Interesting how the dog whistles change from time to time. If you’ve wondered why Glenn Youngkin and other Republican candidates nationwide are kvetching about an arcane academic subject taught at the graduate school level, if at all, they’re not. Here’s what they’re talking about.

It’s good to know what the whistles mean. Let’s Go Brandon is code for Fuck Joe Biden. Which actually works, I’d rather hear that being chanted.

Anybody see Donald Trump in Arlington yet? Oh I hope he goes there.


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  1. Banning CRT, just gets the convo going. It gives them control over what gets taught in schools. Nothing with the words “race” or “racism”. There’s a guy here in Texas, if I remember right, that is working on banning books.

  2. For a good long while there THUG was being used as the new N-word. Given my roots I “got” it right away. I can’t be sure, but I think the reason we stopped hearing it was Jan. 6, and fear of a slew of commercials about GOP candidates asking “Why aren’t they calling THESE people Thugs?” Keep in mind that it was white suburban Republicans (predominantly women) who made a huge difference in the ass whupping the GOP got in those midterms. I fear that with this group, the use of a code term like Critical Race Theory is proving all too effective at getting these voters to feel some guilt over their privilege, and faced with the choice of dealing with it they are using it to rationalize going/staying home with the GOP so that in another year or two all of their guilt can be swept under the rug – just like so many of them did for decades upon decades of institutional racism they grew up under because it’s been there since before anyone alive (or their parents) was even born.

  3. Just finished a book that received a pulizer prize on the battle of Gettysburg called Killer Angels. Cried at the end to think & imagine being there as 51,000 Americans died in 3 days of brutal fighting. More unforeseen circumstances played into the Union holding the line than we like to believe or have been taught. Hell, Lee’s second in command, General Longstreet didn’t believe in the war as he thought slavery wrong, & more importantly, told Lee “we have violated our oath”, as he had commanded many troops now on the union side. Yet, if Lee had taken his tactical advice, the confederacy could have won. He tried multiple times to change Lee’s mind because he knew they would lose tens of thousands of troops. He cared for his men & knew he was sending to certain defeat. Brothers fought against each other. Best friends on opposite sides, praying their friend on the other side would be OK. The generals knew it was over slavery. Now we won’t even face our own past. Tragic. Madness. Ignorance. Arrogance. I wonder if our culture will pull out of this mass extinction we are headed for. We won’t until we value the TRUTH, uncomfortable or not. We either face ourselves as we truly are, or we’ll join the 99% of species that has already gone extinct. To borrow from one of my favorite former UNC players, Rasheed Wallace, who said,”ball don’t lie”, planet don’t lie. We do. It will be the death of us, & more importantly, OUR CHILDREN’S FUTURE.


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