Right on time. Trumpty Dumpty is about to take another legal spill(s) and so he needs the grifting machine to be ginned up good and cranking out the cash. Ergo, Trump world has a new angle on how three state legislatures are going to ‘decertify” their results and overturn the 2020 election. You can hear the MAGAs salivate as they reach for their credit cards.

Oh yeah, and the election law in Wisconsin about the ballot boxes is involved. Confused? Of course you are. There would be something wrong with you if you weren’t.

Here’s where it all started yesterday. The rubes are glued to RSBN listening to this.

That led to this today.

Here’s the rest of the rant on Truth Social.

This is the set up as Trump goes into his Alaska rally tonight. Sigh. I suppose this will be a front and center topic.

Our founding fathers are twirling in their graves, watching what an immoral, corrupt, shallow, gullible people we have become.



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  1. …he doesn’t know – though his alleged lawyers should – that there’s no way to do that. Not in law, not in the Constitution, and there are about a hundred million people who will cheerfully throw him in the nearest body of deep water if he tries it.

  2. Call me silly but nowhere in the Constitution can I find any mention of this asininity being allowed. Am I missing something? No, I don’t think I am. I really, REALLY need the drugs these dumb-a*ses are taking; they make everything look so wonderful and sh*t no longer stinks. It is drugs right? I mean, if it is not, then a considerable number of our country’s citizenry are absolute loons.

  3. Actually, things are in the works to arrest a bunch of people involved in sedition. Back in the 1930’s prescott bush put together a 400,000 man army and asked Smedley Butler to lead it. We know how that turned out.
    In 2008, the Kochs started recruiting their army and in 2016 asked Flynn to lead it.
    He accepted.
    See the connection?


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