I hardly know where to begin, I am so stunned by the ignorant hubris of this woman, so I’ll just say this. I am very well acquainted with the 12-step programs, all of them, AA, OA (Overeaters Anonymous) the works. If there is one caveat they drill into you, no matter which program you enter, it is do not, repeat DO NOT enter more than one recovery program at one time. Nobody can kick, booze, tobacco, food any combination thereof simultaneously. Yet this entitled Karen who is going to prison for sixty days is going to try.

I’m going to calendar Jenna Ryan’s arrival at prison and her departure from same and see how it works out for her, if she presents a success story in 60 days of incarceration, as she fantasizes here. All I can say is that women of substantially more mettle than this one have found prison to be a soul crushing experience. Maybe she should chat with Reality Winner about the reality of the situation.

You won’t believe your ears, and especially not if you have stopped smoking, drinking, overeating, etc.  yourself. I hope she’s taking a Big Book with her. Maybe I’ll send her one.

Maybe she can get her nails done too, and do you know if they do massages? Do they have a jacuzzi or a tanning bed in the slammer? Anybody?

Business Insider:

Earlier this year, Ryan bragged about taking a private jet to Washington and said on social media that storming the Capitol was “one of the best days of my life.”

Court documents said that during the insurrection Ryan posted Facebook Live videos in which she could be seen entering the Capitol via the rotunda.

A few months after the attack, she claimed she would not be punished; in a tweet, she suggested that she was “definitely not going to jail” because she has “blonde hair,” “white skin,” and “a great job.”

Before her sentencing, she wrote a four-page letter to the judge apologizing for her actions on January 6 and saying the tweet had been taken out of context.

Let me tell you an anecdote that I think says it all. I had a landlady who was a grande diva in the local AA clubhouse down the street about eight blocks. She had been sober 40-some years and had travelled in Europe with Lois Wilson, who was Bill Wilson’s wife. Bill Wilson founded AA. She sponsored movie stars. Hand to God. Anthony Hopkins used to drive up in his black BMW and take her to breakfast. She introduced me to Christian Slater, Meredith Baxter Birney and Danny Trejo.

One night she took me to an AA meeting to hear one of her famous sponsees speak from the podium. A young guy who was very overweight got up to take a 30-day chip for sobriety. He announced from the podium that he had found a new job, bought a car, met a girlfriend and they were getting married. And he kept going. He said he had thrown away his cigarettes before the meeting and he was starting Overeaters Anonymous the following day and had bought a gym membership.

The room was on the floor. People were screaming with laughter. I had tears running down my cheeks. The newcomer looked bewildered and hurt. And nobody was being mean to him. That’s the part he didn’t get. What the room was laughing at was that everybody in there, myself included, had stopped smoking, overeating, drinking, drugging, whatever and we screwed it up the first time and had to regroup and try again. And this guy thought he had all of his life’s problems solved and he had done it in a month.

Jenna Ryan reminds me of this guy. She’s going to come out of prison in sixty days fit as a fiddle and ready to play. She might get carried out on a stretcher. This is some crazy ass talk. I don’t wish her ill. I don’t have to. She’s the one who has set herself up for a shock. If you read Michael Cohen’s tale of his incarceration, he speaks of being in solitary confinement at one point and the window was broken and flies were pouring in. Jeffrey Epstein freaked out over the cold and the cockroaches. This bimbo thinks she’s going to Motel 6 and there’s no room service. May God help her.



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  1. She thinks it’s like a country club. Federal prison is better than state prison…but it isn’t easy. She should listen to Martha Stewart about what it’s really like.

  2. Last I heard prisoners did not get protein shakes and I seriously doubt she’ll be doing much yoga in whatever room she’ll likely be sharing with another criminal: jail cells are not hotel rooms by any stretch of the imagination. She will be very lucky if the protein she does get is not in the form of maggots crawling thru her food. Of course, that WOULD make most people lose their appetites for a while so she might lose a few.

  3. Oh, she’ll likely lose weight, but 30# in 60 days is definitely unrealistic. And she may be able to do yoga in a common area, though without a mat (probably on concrete) and without shoes. Prison attire isn’t the best for it, though.

    Tey won’t “serve” protein shakes, but she may – MAY – be able, if she has an account with money in it, be able to order some. I’m not familiar with every prison supplier int the country, nor which prisons and states use which ones, so I don’t know whether the “commissary” where she will be will have them. If they do, she should expect them to be powdered so she’ll have to add water.

    I’m also confident she does not have the sense (or the skills) to not antagonize the staff. that will not make things better for her.

  4. Jenna’s counting on going to a country-club prison, where she can hobnob with the better class of white-collar inmates and maybe start a Ma-Jong club. I’m counting on her sharing a cell with a very large psycopath who will find her irresistibly attractive, especially when nicely bruised up.

  5. The writer claims he’s familiar with 12 step programs rule # 1 Don’t out people you know or have seen there. Big no, no! I surely don’t think Dennis Hopper wanted to see his name dropped by you?


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