We not only live in a post truth world, but in a post parody world as well. CNN’s Brianna Keiller did a fact check of a recent rant by Dr. Ronny Jackson. Jackson hilariously suggests that Donald Trump’s midnight run to Walter Reed was “routine” and he “was consulted weeks in advance.”  How many routine, planned visits to a doctor have you ever made at night — with an attending physician in the car beside you?

This video is a real hoot. Jackson is, I hate to say it, a perfect candidate for congress on the Republican ticket, because he wouldn’t know the truth if it bit him in the ass.

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  1. Even weirder/funnier because Jackson left the WH (in disgrace) 18 months before the Walter Reed trip. How would he know any more about it than the rest of us?

  2. I shudder to think that during my time on active duty I’d have had a significant or serious medical problem and THIS asshole would have been my doctor. I doubt that could have happened though since my active duty days are long enough ago Jackson was still in college or medical school. Still, it’s a frightening thing to contemplate. Worse is that “Candyman” apparently handed out pills to journalists all the time, which is why this quack wasn’t exposed for so long. It was common knowledge he could be hit up for something on the fly. Kind of makes you wonder about the WH press corps doesn’t it?

    • Probably tRump. ‘Ronnie, you get out there and tell them how healthy I am. Deny any problems and I’ll help your campaign.’ I can hear it now. And Ronnie’s dumbass enough to think that’s a good idea


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