We have all heard that people march to the sound of different drummers and generally that’s thought to be a good thing. But if the drummer you’re listening to is compelling you to leave the parade and walk into the middle of the freeway, it may be time to consider either getting your hearing checked or firing the drummer outright.

Georgia elections official Gabriel Sterling chimed in on Mike Lindell’s latest prediction about “all the evidence going before the Supreme Court by Thanksgiving, that’s in stone.” Oh, Mike, Mike, whyyyyy do you set yourself up to be shot down like this? In all fairness to Sterling, he actually was quite compassionate.

As you may have seen, Trump sent out a whole batch of emails earlier Friday night the gist of which is that the Arizona audit was a resounding success. It’s a good news, bad news kind of a proposition: the good news is that Trump won by many many thousands but the bad news is that the no good, gosh darn, dirty dogs in the media won’t report the story accurately. It’s all part of an international plot, you see.

That Trump could actually believe that anybody else would believe that for a minute is astounding, but then Trump has always done very well going by P.T. Barnum’s axiom, “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.” Or the intellect, either, apparently. Trump has certainly not gone broke underestimating the MAGAs intellects or their capacity for delusion, he’s raking it in. And he raked it in right after the Capitol riot, incredibly.

Sterling makes a good point, that it’s time to be adults and accept loss. He’s absolutely right but I don’t think it will happen here. Trump needs to keep grievances drummed up because that’s the essence of his communication with his base. The elites are screwing him, just like the elites have screwed them all of their lives. That’s why they love Trump. They identify with him. They see his issues as their issues — until they end up in jail without Trump posting bail, hiring legal counsel, or pardoning them, which so many of the January 6 rioters counted on.

But for the relative few that were at the Capitol in January and who have since become disillusioned, there are many many millions who still love them some Donald Trump. This is the sad state of affairs in this country.

As I’ve said before, I can only hope that the sane people outnumber the crazies. It is sobering indeed how many crazies there are.



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  1. It’s disturbing that the superpower on this planet has to hope that the sane people outnumber the toons come election. You can put a man on the Moon, but you can’t, or you won’t treat your sick. Recently it was just your mentally ill, now the untreated mentally ill are making it impossible for your physically ill to get proper treatment.

  2. The thing screwing with former guy and his base is a lack of functioning brain cells. Not sure this is fixable: sometimes you can’t fix stupid.

    • No, you can’t fix stupid, but Covid can and is fixing stupid for many! Those who are willfully ignorant or just plain stupid are dying of Covid, because they refuse to get vaccinated, wear a mask, or social distance. Unfortunately, they will infect many innocent people and children on their journey to the grave! They don’t believe doctors and scientists, they would rather believe what some idiot tells them on Fakebook or TWITter!! Even if it means vaporizing hydrogen peroxide to breathe it, taking horse de-wormer, or sticking a UV light where the sun don’t shine!!!
      Oh BTW, the members of the cult of the Orange Ass-Clown won’t admit that they are ignorant or stupid, or that they need serious psychological help!!

      • tRump SAID he loves the poorly educated during the 2016 campaign. It is so incredibly sad that they love him back and that they don’t realize all he meant was that they could be duped into believing his lies. ☹


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