What you’re about to see is interesting on a number of levels. Michael Hayden, former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, suffered a stroke some time back and it’s difficult for him to speak. But despite that fact, he feels that he has a duty to speak, specifically to speak out against Donald Trump.

Hayden focuses on the classified documents issue. Fast forward to 2:06, unless you want to hear the preamble by a Meidas Touch associate.

If you want my opinion, General Hayden speaks with more clarity and articulation than Trump, and Trump hasn’t had a stroke — that we know of.

And Hayden is right. Trump is unfit for office.

It will be interesting to see how many markets this ad plays in. Trump will be screaming RINOS! and hurting ketchup bottles before too long.


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  1. I figure former guy will be ridiculing this gentleman just as he did to the disabled reporter back in ’16. Former guy has no class, the intelligence of a developmentally disabled two year old, and the class of a nose-picking first grader. It will embarrass the nation and nothing will be made of it by the press because….because they no longer do their jobs.

  2. her I want to listen to a Meidas Touch associate or not kind of depends on who it is. Popok is a lawyer himself ans also doesn’t waste words (moreover he has worked in the Southern District of Florida, so he knows the territory – unlike Harold Hill.)


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