This is almost painful to watch, so be forewarned. The last time I’ve seen anything this bad on camera was in college when the TV class decided to record the acting class. Some of the people in acting class had a modicum of talent, a few had real talent and then there were people on this level: stone cold pathetic. Now bear in mind here, Ron DeSantis is only supposed to be playing Ron DeSantis. He’s not attempting Hamlet, Macbeth, any of that. But somehow being real is simply beyond him.

If you can stand another thirty seconds of this, there’s more. What’s that you say? The CIA could use this in lieu of waterboarding? You might be right about that.

Check out the bottom clip for a non-definition of “wokeness.” That’s so curious because DeSantis has honest to God been recorded saying the word “woke” as many as a dozen times in one minute. But he can’t define it? When it’s his core value?

You’ve come this far. In for a penny in for a pound, right?

DeSantis is an evil man. This is sophistry, plain and simple. He knows there is no merit to these arguments. He’s just mouthing platitudes and talking points that he thinks he can sell to a dumbed down electorate. He’s a snake oil salesman, not a leader.

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  1. Post-birth abortions = infanticide in my understanding, and I don’t know of any state that permits it. DeSantis is smoke and mirrors on steroids. I’d love to see Christie go at him in a debate.

    • Everybody wants to see Christie tear people to shreds. Maybe Christie will end up the dark horse candidate. I have no idea. I’m just throwing pasta at the walls and wondering if any of it will stick. Kind of like the GOP candidates.

  2. So did he just say that some states allow a mother to murder her baby AFTER giving birth and can do so with impunity? Ok a..hole name that state or states. What a lying liar!

    • Projection once again. See, Carlin was right-if you’re pre-born you’re fine, if you’re pre-school you’re fucked. “pubes could give a happy rat’s ass less about any child’s life (i.e. Uvalde, and all the other school shootings, church/synagogue shootings, etc.) but boy oh boy they will go to the mat for a fucking fetus.

      • Absolutely true. The GOP is on your side, in utero. The minute you come out, you’re on your own, baby. The party of personal responsibility doesn’t care if you eat, have a roof over your head, shoes, medical care, nothing.

    • That’s been the GOP’s way for the last 40 or so years.

      And, unfortunately, it’s what way too many “independent” voters seem to want as well.

      If a politician’s message can’t be boiled down to less than 30 seconds or fit onto a bumper sticker, that’s too much work for the average voter to take in. GOPers will make some wild claim against an opponent (especially a Democrat), especially on a topic that isn’t a clear case of “black or white” (as so few things really are) because the opponent tries to explain the nuances or the specific details as to why the claim is wrong but, by the time the opponent has taken more than a minute to *explain* his take, the average voter has already lost interest and just believes whatever falsehood or half-truth was spewed.

  3. I’ve never watched an episode of American Idol but I’ve seen a few clips. Including one memorable one of a pretty epic fail. Remember the “She Bang” dude?

    William? Like Scot Walker you’re about to be replaced in your corner of the WTF? hall of failure.

  4. “We must go forward, not backward! Upward, not forward! And always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom! 😆

    • I had the “read more” button discontinued. I didn’t even know it was implemented. It was done so without my knowledge or consent.


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