You thought there was a lot of gunfire in The Matrix, you ain’t seen nothin. Trump University may have closed its doors but MAGA Academy is apparently training the faithful for their duties during the upcoming Civil War II.

What’s that you say? You thought we were headed for a Second Great Depression? That, too. Trump’s fantasies are many splendored things, he can conjure up more than one disaster simultaneously.

Here’s a Trump acolyte blasting away. Except…except….look at the mannequins that surround him. Those are hardly liberal snowflakes. They look like Donald Trump with man boobs in a pink dress. (Or did Murfster pay the pizza delivery guy to sneak LSD into my order?)

What is that mannequin on the right?

Doesn’t that look like their fearless leader, corset and all?

Doesn’t exactly bring Rambo to mind, now does it?

I think he could go up against a 60-something grandma and get that same result.

Now you’ve seen today’s offering of John Wick: MAGA Style.

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  1. The way this asshat Rambo wanabee is stumbling around and waving his GUN all over as he blasts away he seems like someone we’ll see getting a Darwin Award in the foreseeable future. Someone mentioned him shooting blanks, but even so a blank round can cause serious injury and even death at point-blank (as in shooting YOURSELF) range. I watched the video twice and wonder if he’s trying to create some new “fighting” style – pistol kung-fu maybe?

  2. If you’re having to shoot the enemy at that close a range, you’re already dead. Because they won’t be standing still waiting for you.

  3. Last time I witnessed someone apparently randomly waving a gun around and firing was the twit of the year contest by Monty Python.


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