This is a fine ad, wherein Cindy McCain compares her late husband to Joe Biden and speaks of their friendship. It started running today in Arizona and it’s set to broadcast Sunday during Fox News Sunday, 60 Minutes, and NFL football games. That is some prime placement.

And here was Trump’s juvenile response to McCain’s endorsement of Biden two weeks ago.

Frankly, I think calling Biden “John McCain’s lapdog” might appeal to a lot of Republicans and Independents. I hope this tweet gets around.

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  1. That ad ever mentions Trump or alludes to him directly but says a lot about him, and Trump’s attacks on her make him look tinier and tinier.

  2. There’s a kind of poetry here: the widow of the man saddled with confirmed wingnut Caribou Barbie as a running mate endorsing the man with Queen Kamala as his.

    • If McCain was still alive I think that he and Biden would be having that exact conversation — hopefully with a glass of excellent wine in hand.

  3. Let me re-phrase my comment….Great ad, Cindy McCain, and Trumps response is no surprise, coming from his garbage mouth. Trump has to be THE MOST disgusting, ignorant, deplorable, arrogant POS on the planet. We MUST vote him out on November 3rd. We can’t have another 4 years of this moron! He’s got to go!!


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