We need some comic relief here since the Trump rally in Iowa is gearing up and looks to be an open air lunatic asylum, Steve Bannon is coming up with non existent legal theories to save his skin, as you already read, Mike Pence still believes that he has some future in politics, which only goes to show you the depth of his delusions, and all kinds of other silliness is happening in the world of hoomins.

Therefore, we turn to our feline overlords to get their impressions.

The hoomins have made such a hash of things, you can’t blame the cats for taking things into their own paws, now can you?

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  1. Can we just appreciate how great the original Bohemian Rhapsody is to be this open for loving parody? There’s a couple of other versions of this I’m fond, one using Star Trek (no, really) and another as sung by the Muppets. But I’m definitely passing this onto my mom, who has four kitties she’s dealing with right now.


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